Page 19 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 19

society’ and ‘unity in diversity’ appellation      Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jews,
         to India, and by extension to its people,          Parsis, Buddhists or any other. It is not just
         became an ‘appall’ation. Little wonder             about bodily sickness, but the principle
         that this polarisation in an infinitesimal         and practise of ‘langhanam’ or restraint, to
         group at a micro level is mirroring at the         put it differently, can be extended to every
         macro level in the collective psyche of            aspect of our existence:
         our country as it is in nations across the          a) in what we see
         world. Grandstanding and hardstanding of            b) in what we hear
         opinions have divvied up people. Come to            c) in what we think
         think of it, the group is made up of educated       d) in what we speak
         and well -meaning people like you and me.           e) in what we do
                                                             f) in how we respond
                                                             The point is to pause before and after the
                                                            use of any of the above faculties. The point
                                                            is that if we can stay away periodically, say
                                                            once a week, from seeing the negative in
                                                            everyone, hearing a rumour or gossip and
                                                            giving credence to it, not let the sound in
                                                            and around influence our thinking, filter
                                                            what we speak, respond but not react,
                                                            introspect before formulating a view,
                                                            almost every issue can be addressed. A
                                                            simple example – stay away from Twitter
                                                            or Facebook of WhatsApp or OTTs for a
          Fortunately, thanks to some balanced              month and you will soon notice the serenity
         views, a disquieting quiet descended on the        that is bound to envelop you – no rocket
         group with a dose of agreeing-to-disagree          science here, but plain common sense.
         diversion to other topics. We don’t wish to        The periodic abstinence from these 24x7
         listen, but we wish to speak. We all extoll        intrusions into our very being will make
         and want freedom of speech, but are shy of         us epitomes of ‘bura mat dekho, bura mat
         giving it to others. As people and nation, we      suno, bura mat bolo’.
         have lost our ability to have a conversation        It requires extraordinary equanimity
         on difficult subjects, whatever it be.             and restraint to practise langhanam, but
          There is a concept of ‘langhanam parama           it will be well worth it and will ensure
         aushadam’. It essentially means that               holistic well-being. Tolerance can replace
         fasting (langhanam) is a supreme (parama)          intolerance, compassion can replace
         medicine (aushadam) to heal the body. The          passion, empathy can replace apathy,
         sagely have been following this practice for       wisdom can replace knowledge, love can
         eons, as have been animals. Many of the            replace hate, friends can replace foes. Just
         readers would be doing upvas ( another             imagine the cascading effect on our great
         word for langhanam ) or fasting on one             civilisation and making it a utopia on earth,
         day or the other in a week or a month or on        for happy people will make for a happy
         one religious occasion or the other – be it        nation.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #32 | FEBRUARY 2022                                                           19
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