Page 20 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 20
The practice of meditation is but a mil gayee manzil mujhe – from the film
langhanam of a different nature. It involves Anpadh – see the positive in others
closing of eyes, remaining detached from Ek pyaar ka naghma hain, maujon ki
the ambience, even breathing, staying mute ravani hain, zindagi aur kuch bhi nahin,
and calming the mind to keep thoughts teri meri kahaani hain – from the film Shor
away. Meditation, done regularly, develop – hear the good, live life
and sharpen our senses and can be a Kora kagaz tha ye mann mera, likh liya
refreshing energiser. Our very outlook naam ispe tera, soona aangan tha ye jeevan
towards life can turn positive. mera, bus gaya pyaar ispe tera – from the
If you have difficulty in practising film Aradhana – think, start afresh
langhanam or meditation for that matter, as Tere mere hothon pe meethe geet mitwa,
a discipline, feast on music as often as you aage aage chale hum peeche peeche preet
can. For, music can do wonders to our state mitwa – from the film Chandni – let your
of mind and state of being. Try listening words be sweet music
to some mellifluous songs. Words are Hum the zinke sahare, woh hue naa
mightier than swords are cliched, they may humare, dhoobi jab dil ki nayya, saamne
wound, but they can heal as well. They can the kinare – from the film Safar – try not to
create a communion with each other. Have do anything that can hurt
we not felt soothing songs calm our minds? Rahein na rahein hum, mehaka karenge,
The just stilled voice-of-the-nation, Lata ban ki kali, ban ke saba, bahein wafa mein,
Mangeshkar, must have sung for every rahein na rahein hum – from the film
situation in tens of thousands in different Mamta – your response should leave a
languages over the past four scores of lasting impression
lilting scores. I belong to a generation We remark so easily that the talent of Lata
which has woken up, grown up and Mangeshkar (or that of any other brilliant
lived life – hearing her songs – on Radio doyens like M S Subbalakshmi or Bhimsen
Ceylon, Akashvani, Geetmala – all aural Joshi or Mohammed Rafi ) is god-gifted.
media which left a lasting impact on our It may be true, but we miss the fact that
consciousness. Listen to some of her select they were extraordinarily successful and
songs listed below – all classics - they are reached exalted levels of performance
ever resonating and soothing. because of their sharp focus, sharper
practice and sharpest tapasya.
Life is fairly simple, but we complicate
it. Life is a music, but we don’t listen to
the tunes. Life is quiet, but we hear only
the din. Our purpose is happiness. For
ourselves and more importantly, for others.
Lata Mangeshkar connected with millions
and made billions happy. It is about not
letting our obsessions end friendships
and parse relationships. We have to
Aap ke nazron ne samjah, pyaar ke kabil figure out our life. Life is sugandhim
mujhe, dil ke yeh dhadkan teher jaa, pushtivardanam.