Page 18 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 18


         Life is sugandhim


         Grandstanding and hardstanding of opinions on WhatsApp group have
         divvied up people, writes Nagesh Alai

         An old ‘Shammi Kapoor Unplugged’                   cow, boar, politics, polemics, languages,
         video from the turn of this millennium             uniforms, dress codes. You name it, there
         popped up out of the blue recently in one          is someone waiting to pounce and pound
         of my WhatsApp (WA) groups. In that                posts and riposte.
         one can hear the late famous actor gyrator          The other day, in a WA group, there
         talk about the role that internet played           was a post relating to the topical ‘hijab’
         in his life and how it reconnected him to          controversy-in the-making (who does not
         a long separated old school friend from            love a controversy – be it a protagonist or
         pre-partition days. For the uninitiated,           an antagonist), communicating a point of
         Shammi Kapoor was known for being one              view. By the way, the meaning of ‘group’ is
         of the earliest to espouse the internet, from      a set of people having some homogeneity
         the name and fame club. Great enabler              or shared interests or similar backgrounds.
         indeed, this net, cast wide and deep. Since        All this definition went out of the window
         then so many interfaces and social apps            the moment that post hit the group. The
         have proliferated that it has redefined and        knights-in-the-shining armour came out
         reshaped our behaviours and interactions           daggers drawn, the self-righteous became
         with people, near and far, nationally and          indignant with colourful vocabulary, the
         internationally.                                   ‘post’er suddenly was denounced as an
          As much as facilitators, the social media         im’poster’ by some, a chorus of ayes and
         platforms have also become despoilers              nays followed, a few promptly existed the
         of sort, going by the rage and hate being          group and some threatened to exit soon.
         spewed on posts and facets – be it religion,        So, everything other than a healthy
         culture, caste, beliefs, history, geography,       debate happened and it was soon a free
         love, marriage, live-in relations, LGBTQs,         for all. The proud and famed ‘debating

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