Page 17 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 17

is an equaliser that touches every aspect          thrown all of us into an unparalleled state
         of human existence — cultural, spiritual,          of ‘stress of grief ’. The funeral restriction
         social, economic, legal and financial. Yet,        of not allowing all near and dear ones to be
         the government seems to ignore these very          together in the last hours, at a time when
         aspects of human existence. Covid-19 has           you most need the support and comfort
         exposed the glitches in pour systems and           from your family and friens is devastating.
         the need for a creative, effective and lasting     The pain just lingers on. The death of a
         solution to dealing with a pandemic like           loved one is the hardest thing any of us can
         situation.                                         go through.
                                                             The pandemic has changed the way we
                                                            die but let’s not forget that even death has
                                                            a right to its own valour, dignity and self-
                                                             The diversity and different traditions of
                                                            the various communities in India with each
                                                            one’s funeral rituals being unique to their
                                                            custom and tradition, have been forced to
          For those marginalised in life, death,            alter their rituals. Equal rights in life as
         often adds insult to injury.  During the           in death, is a fundamental duty that our
         pandemic, due to the sheer scale of bodies         government must consider as a priority
         lying in wait for their last rites, people were    mandate. Our approach to death needs to
         unable to cremate/ bury their dead. There          be relooked in order to build better death
         were bodies buried on the banks of the             care services and last rites. It is incumbent
         Ganga which got exposed once the area got          for the government to look into funeral
         flooded. Imagine the guilt of the son who          services and to meet the emotional needs
         couldn’t afford wood for the funeral and           of families. Most of us at sometime or the
         in the middle of the night and was forced          other have been to a crematorium with
         to bury his dad in the sand on the banks           shabby broken toilets, leaky faucets, smoke
         of the river. The pandemic also showed             and tobacco stained walls, uncomfortable
         us destitute funerals where two or three           seating arrangements, sometimes open
         bodies were cremated together. The whole           drains, emotionless attendants trying to get
         world watched in disbelief the images of           the better of you.
         numerous pyres burning on the roads and             Why can’t the government or some
         wherever a place could be found. The image         corporate houses (as part of their CSR),
         of India took a huge beating.                      build first class crematoriums which are
          The way we are currently handling                 peaceful and clean, that would comfort the
         the most difficult moments in life— that           families who bring in their deceased? And
         of dying, death and grief, all too often           provide a dignified service befitting the last
         results in dissatisfaction and distress for        rites of passage through this world?
         the family. Unfulfilled emotions, unsaid            I remember reading on the wall near the
         last goodbyes and unsatisfying funeral             entrance of a crematorium: मंज़िल तो तेरी  यही थी,
         services are distraught situations which           बस ज़िन्दगी गुज़र गयी आते आते (Manzil toh meri yehi
         have become de rigueur. Covid-19 has               thi, bas zindagi guzar gayi aate aate).

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #32 | FEBRUARY 2022                                                           17
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