Page 16 - Seniors Today
P. 16

and challenges are not just for  companies;        refers to a person’s vocation or career path
         they are as much true for us as players in         as the true purpose of life. The commonly
         the game who keep the economy churning             used French word ‘raison d’etre’ is about
         and turning. At any point in time and at           your reason for existence and what gives
         any stage in life, getting a job is a relief,      meaning to your life. Other countries too
         retaining it is tougher and only true grit can     have their own similar philosophies; the
         help you sow and reap in the field of life.        world was indeed a village long before it
          Many would be aware of Ikigai, the                was envisioned as one by technological
         Japanese concept to a long and happy life.         advances and development.
         Simply put it is about finding your reason
         to live and get out of bed every day. It is
         about what you love, what you are good
         at, what the world needs from you and
         what it is willing to pay you for. It’s about
         finding your purpose, letting your passion
         and skills lead you, staying strong in the
         face of stress and hardships and a whole
         lot of other factors of life which can lead
         to well-being and happiness. Ikigai is no           Come to think of it. In the hoary past, there
         different from tenets in other cultures and        was no system of structured holidays that
         countries. In our own backyard, which              has become de-rigueur now.  There was
         most youngsters or for that matter elders          no Sunday or a second or fourth Saturday
         too do not take the trouble to understand,         holidays. One worked all days. One
         we have the concept of ‘swadharma’,                celebrated important days and religious
         encapsulating dharma, karma, seva and              festivals. One prayed or visited temples
         bhakti, as a guiding principle to lead a           as and when they felt like. One went on
         fulfilling life. The German word ‘berufung’        family holidays. The armies or the legions
                                                            were on constant standby to protect turf
                                                            and face wars. Purpose was paramount,
                                                            everything else was secondary.  The call for
                                                            less working hours and more holidays has
                                                            taken a precedence at the cost of meaningful
                                                            conversations on productivity and the
                                                            larger good of the society and the country.
                                                            Rights have sidelined duties. Its all about I,
                                                            me and myself.
                                                             If our larger purpose, as a society, is
                                                            happiness and well-being in life, it is all
                                                            about collectively living by the principles of
                                                            ikigai and swadharma, regardless of the age
                                                            or stage of life. I don’t have a clock on my
                                                            desk, but I do keep a watch on my purpose
                                                            which keeps me occupied 24 hours a day.

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