Page 12 - Seniors Today
P. 12
of Trump’s campaign, driven by the fear Supporters view Trump’s direct and
that migrants would displace American unfiltered approach as a refreshing
workers. The public was encouraged to departure from typical political discourse.
hate migrants because they were painted as Conversely, critics argue that his rhetoric
the enemy—people who had stolen jobs. In has fuelled a culture of incivility and
a battle between a snake and a mongoose, intolerance. As public opinion continues to
everyone sides with the mongoose. evolve, the legacy of Trump’s presidency
Trump’s tweets not only shaped his image will likely be defined by the lasting impact
but also contributed to a broader shift in of his words and actions on the political
how political information is consumed and landscape and the ability of Americans to
interpreted. This phenomenon presents engage in meaningful dialogue.
significant challenges for the public, If there was one hallmark of Trump’s
who must navigate a landscape rife with presidency, it was his divisive rhetoric.
misinformation and polarisation. From the campaign trail to the Oval Office,
Throughout his campaign, Trump became Trump consistently used inflammatory
known for his controversial statements— language that deepened America’s political
many of which were outright lies or insults. and social divides. His speeches and
This pattern raises crucial questions about tweets frequently targeted marginalised
the nature of truth in politics and the communities, political opponents, and even
responsibilities of a leader. His penchant members of his own party who dared to
for derogatory language, often directed criticise him.
at opponents, has fostered a culture Trump’s use of social media as a
of incivility in political discourse. His megaphone for his grievances and personal
tendency to dismiss critics through insults attacks was unprecedented. His infamous
has not only alienated individuals but has late-night Twitter rants became both a
also set a troubling precedent for political source of entertainment and a cause for
engagement. alarm. Critics argue that his unfiltered
The normalisation of aggressive language communication eroded the dignity of the
and personal attacks has had global presidency and contributed to a culture
consequences, with leaders in other of incivility in public discourse. Trump
countries adopting similar tactics. It has also lies easily—fluently, shamelessly,
now become acceptable for a leader to lie and constantly. He has lied about his net
and use abusive language. If the President worth, his reasons for not releasing his tax
of the United States of America can do so, returns, and his charitable donations.
why not the president of Timbuktu? In today’s social media-driven society,
This disconnect in public opinion fear and hate spread faster than the speed
underscores the challenges of governance of lightning. Fear can unite people, forming
in a polarised environment, where a bond over negativity. A politician can
compromise and collaboration are exploit this by rallying people around a
increasingly difficult. The inability to shared enemy. Hate enables the public to
bridge these divides raises concerns about overlook outright lies, crimes, poisonous
the future of democratic processes and the narratives, imaginary threats, and
potential for further fragmentation. narcissism. Trump’s incendiary remarks