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and hard work for years right from their           get anyone anywhere; ask the go-getters
         younger days. Clearly both were alluding           and successful people.
         to the need for enhanced productivity in            A young private bank executive, nudging
         an ethos of ‘atmanirbhar’ India. It’s no           30, had come to meet me the other day
         gainsaying the fact that our country  fares        evening to complete the much-detested
         poorly on productivity metrics. Perhaps,           periodic KYC for my bank account. She
         the comment ‘how long can you stare at             had joined as a trainee and an eight-year
         your wife’ was inappropriate, but then it          stint had seen her rise up the ranks and
         got twisted out of context and the ruckus          manage client relationships, a crucial job
         that followed ensured missing the woods            in a bank, who have the eternal challenge
         for the trees; the spirit was lost and the         of raising deposits to survive as traders of
         letters ruled.  This is not to disregard           money. On an average, she puts in about
         the responsibility of corporates to pay            10 to 12 hours everyday in a demanding
         commensurately if they expect people to            organisation. She was in a rush to head
         live out of office and not merely work out of      back to her office to complete other
         office. Having said that, everything getting       assignments in her list before she could
         served on a platter and government doles           call it a day. She was sanguine about it and
         and freebies and the greed for quick fixes         accepted it as a way of life in the interest of
         is  seeing an impatient youth unwilling to         survival and sustenance in a harsh world.
         work hard for a living, but grow in life at        Her friends, be it in law firms or audit and
         double quick time.                                 accounting firms or consultancy firms or
          I cannot but help recall my own growing           medical practice or in the manufacturing
         up days. I started working in a CA firm            and trading sector, the story is no different.
         at 16, immediately after my matriculation          If you have to stay in the game you have to
         and the last of a short annual ‘native place’      deliver day in day out. If anyone has a peek
         holiday. From a demanding mentor and               into the startup world, they will be amazed
         a perfectionist who hewed and shaped               at the tenacious and sedulous founders, 24
         me in my formative years, from attending           hours is not enough for them. Competition
         morning sessions in colleges and working
         long and hard through the day serving
         the clients’ needs ( they could put QSRs
         to shame ) incessantly was draining to
         say the least, but it was the best training
         that I could have got. This foundational
         development and exposure to hard work
         and diverse experiences held me in good
         stead across my subsequent corporate
         journeys and resulted in career successes
         which I am happy with. The work life
         balance, that one clamours for and is                                                                Image courtesy: satyaspeaks
         important, was something that one
         consciously weaved into the weft of family
         life, as best as possible. After all cribs never

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #68 | FEBRUARY 2025                                                           15
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