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characterised by a unique mix of                  of such a leadership style extend beyond
         populism, nationalism, and a penchant for         political discourse; they have cultivated
         confrontation. His leadership style, often        a culture of hostility and distrust,
         described as demagogic, is defined by a           undermining the very institutions that
         direct appeal to emotions and prejudices          uphold democracy.
         rather than reasoned arguments. This                One of the most striking aspects of
         approach has reshaped the political               Trump’s presidency was his prolific
         landscape, creating an environment where          use of Twitter, which he employed as a
         divisive rhetoric became the norm. His            primary communication tool. His tweets
         ability to galvanise a dedicated base, often      transformed how political leaders engage
         through incendiary language, has raised           with the public. Beneath the spectacle
         questions about his statesmanship.                and theatrics lies a shrewd strategist
                                                           who understands the power of image and
                                                           branding. Trump’s tweets frequently
                                                           blurred the lines between fact and fiction,
                                                           contributing to a climate of misinformation
                                                           that challenges the very foundations of
                                                           informed democratic discourse.
                                                             This direct line to the public empowered
                                                           him to address issues at lightning speed,
                                                           allowing rapid responses to criticism
                                                           or events. However, it also created a
                                                           culture where inflammatory comments
                                                           escalated tensions and deepened divisions,
                                                           often overshadowing substantive policy
                                                           discussions. His tweets, designed to
                                                           provoke emotional reactions, served as
                                                           both a rallying cry for supporters and a
                                                           source of outrage for opponents.

         WhatsApp forward. Source unknown
          By framing issues in stark, black-and-
         white terms, he has successfully painted
         himself as a champion of the common man,
         standing against a supposedly corrupt
         elite. This rhetoric has not only polarised         Fear is a powerful motivator, uniting
         the electorate but has also fostered an           people against perceived threats to their
         atmosphere where dissenting voices are            well-being, their families, or their country.
         silenced or ridiculed. The consequences           The issue of immigration was at the heart

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #68 | FEBRUARY 2025                                                           11
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