Page 6 - Seniors Today
P. 6
Cover Story
Donald Trump & the
Business of Governance
Please take a deep breath and viewpoints. The debate is relentless in its
jump on this virtual rollercoaster effort to sway the right to the left and the
that is about to dictate our left to the right. Because of such a state of
destinies in the coming months, affairs, and in order to bring world peace, I
or years, writes Minoo Shah in a am tempted to use both uppers Mohammad
special despatch from the US Ali style in areas designated for strictly
congenital purposes. However, Gandhiji
A sequel to the bloodbath of November 5, would not approve of my violent ways and
2024 must begin with a short preamble to thus I must refrain and instead resort to
what has developed since. At this point, sermons reeking of common sense.
it necessitates that we go clickety clack ‘Common sense - you shriek, (you
clack and traipse back to inauguration day, being the left wingers) - that sir has
January 20, 2025. A day when we hit the found the black hole and left the planet’s
bottle early on, asked the kids to shut up, stratosphere!’ At this juncture, I would like
muzzled the pets and zombie-like watched to point out that I go by the pronoun ‘she’,
executive orders being signed with a flurry. but that would cause disruption to the
The ensuing global chain reaction to this mental stability of those that feel scorned.
can be best described in an anomaly of a Instead, allow me to express my sincere
house divided with two obnoxiously clear condolences for your state of discomfort