Page 9 - Seniors Today
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be back on the valued list which means              But I do give kudos to the regime for setting
        when their chief politicos visit, they will get     up the DOGE (acronym for Department
        vouchers to stay at the Trump Plaza in NY           of Government Efficiency) to curb
        and Vegas. Everyone is happy.                       excessive spending within the government
          Which brings us to the current hotly              which will by far prove to be the most
        debated issue world over with regards to            advantageous. It will bring in focus
        the policy changes for illegal immigrants,          widespread corruption, misuse of power,
        H1B visa holders, asylum seekers (I guess)          nepotism and mismanagement of taxpayer
        and children of illegal immigrants’ right to        funds. Why am I underlining this point?
        citizenship. I personally do not think the          Because, I believe it may be of equally
        bill will pass as is. Contingency will have         significant importance to India. If the USA
        to be provided. However, do chomp on                can get it done with the right leadership at
        the following and look at this curbing of           the helm, India can achieve the same. For
        immigration and naturalisation from the             whatever its worth, I endorse Shri Yogiji
        US perspective. Case in point: an average           for this job.
        legal citizen of the US who has paid into            In conclusion, the coming weeks and
        the Social Security coffers for over 30 years       months will determine how President
        gets something around $1,000 to $1,500              Trump and his governance affect global
        per month. No food coupons, subsidised              outcomes. This writer sees it as a wait and
        insurance, no housing, no other amenities.          watch game with Trump, Xi Ping, Putin
        Versus: An illegal immigrant who gets               and Modi at the forefront. I pray and hope
        $2,500 per month, free housing, food,               that wisdom prevails and joint actions
        medical, telephone and utilities. You do the        by above leaders thwart the possibility of
        math.                                               World War III. Meanwhile, stock up on
          Finally, commenting on all the executive          grains, water, dehydrated foods and pray
        orders would be running a fool’s errand.            that sanity prevails. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #68 | FEBRUARY 2025                                                           9
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