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Cover Story
‘I Am The Greatest’
Twitter) rants, Trump cannot stop
The American president does not mouthing phrases about himself: I am the
merely speak in crude, witless, greatest. I am the best.
insulting terms—he genuinely Donald Trump’s personality is a blend
thinks that way, writes of bravado and brashness, yet he lacks
Vickram Sethi credibility, compassion, wit, warmth,
wisdom, subtlety, sensitivity, humility, and
Don Quixote and Sancho set out, mounted grace. He is a bully—unpredictable and
on a donkey. In their first adventure, Don devoid of the qualities that so generously
Quixote mistakes a field of windmills for blessed his predecessors.
giants and attempts to fight them, only to His catchphrases and slogans, such as
conclude that a magician must have turned ‘Make America Great Again’, have become
the giants into windmills. rallying cries for those who feel overlooked
In the chaotic and unpredictable world by the political establishment. By
of politics, few figures can captivate the positioning himself as an outsider, Trump
masses quite like Donald Trump. Love has effectively tapped into a deep vein of
him or loathe him, there is no denying his voter discontent, blending entertainment
ability to command attention. With his with political messaging.
larger-than-life personality, bombastic Trump’s rise to the presidency marked
rhetoric, and unfiltered X (formerly a seismic shift in American politics,