Page 7 - Seniors Today
P. 7
and the alarm you feel at what is to come iceberg, but as of now let us see who blinks
next. first.
But before we start worrying about what Having said that, before you start putting
could happen to the marginalised, let us toothpicks from eyelashes to lids and defy
take the right wingers to task for having the odds of where you went wrong in your
feasted on your sorrow, anger and sense of surmise of what’s to come with levied bets
frustration. ‘Shame, Shame, Puppy Shame’. on the right or left wingers, please take a
There, I scolded them. deep breath, drop all pretence and jump
Now, as I am quite often apt to do, when on this virtual rollercoaster that is about to
the world is in turmoil, allow me once more dictate our destinies in the coming months,
to take on the role of ‘Objectivus Maximus’ or years.
and align your focus. Let us begin by taking Although neither you nor I have the
a deep breath while remembering the great misfortune of being in the Canadian PM’s
philosopher Mr Newman, Alfred E’s three shoes. JT, the man who is walking the line
words of wisdom, ‘What Me Worry’; and and facing the gallows. Alright, alright,
forthright proceed to analyse the why’s and I do hear you and agree that he has been
wherefores of President Trump’s policy granted a short term reprieve. But, we all
changes, First Lady Melania’s wardrobe, know that he was born in a waffle cone and
what in fact did Barron Trump whisper in under stars that for most part guide him
outgoing President Biden’s ear and why did towards imbecile like decisions. So, unless
Prime Minister Modi not attend the mother he can negotiate with Denmark and deliver
of all inaugurations. However, I believe Greenland to the USA, he does not have
that has been overly discussed so let us much of a bargaining chip.
quickly fast forward to the state of current Nor do we want to change places with the
affairs. President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum,
who has vehemently disagreed to rename
the Gulf of Mexico. She is standing her
ground on that point but has agreed to pay
for part of the border wall and has agreed
to most of the regime’s multiple demands.
In lieu of that, the regime has kept its word
but one wonders why large corporations
like Chevron are now calling it the Gulf of
America in their earnings records.
Since the Panamanians do not wish to
As of today, fifty-three executive orders relent control of the Panama Canal it
have been signed with undoubtedly, more has fallen upon the few Latin American
to come. Twenty-five percent tariffs were countries to bring to his majesty the Canal
imposed on neighbours to our north and on a silver platter. Unable to convince the
south in the continent of North America pineapple rich nation, they, the countries of
and promptly rescinded when the bait Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, and too
was taken. China too has been caught in many others to mention (I propose you look
this tariff warfare. It is just the tip of the up the map) asked if the US would settle