Page 8 - Seniors Today
P. 8
for some Panama hats. The regime which conned these simpletons with dreams of
is not akin to being swayed quite so easily a better life. And, following that, shackle
did momentarily consider the FLOTUS’ the tongues of the regional extremists for
affinity to hats. But, the momentary lapse their outrage against 33 of the 104 illegal
in judgement was shrugged off. The immigrants being Gujaratis and why
countries were then rebuked and were they were flown to Amritsar. I ask these
asked to use their proficiency in Spanish, ‘buddhijeevis’ (also otherwise known as
woo the cartel and bring them the Canal. I intellectuals, which in this case is a slur
hear they are quite anguished these days against ABJ Kalam, Nicolai Tesla, Krish
because how are they to change the course 1,2,3,4 …and you get the point). That is what
of a waterway? I understand their panic irks you and what you base your outrage
and admonish the order delivering minions against instead of the fact that your fellow
to be specific in their demands. countrymen had to trudge to the bathroom
At this point, you wonder why I dwell on a plane that was flying through
on the Americas at length. You ask ‘what turbulence in high altitude. Not a tear for
about China.’ I say, ‘what of China?’ You soiled clothing? Not a question about what
mean the perpetual Chinese standoff? I possessed them, to give away their life’s
find it quite exhausting to watch the never savings on a gamble? Hope you get the
ending cat and mouse game. Just like you, I point through my emotional outburst and
will follow the ping pong news items from why given your mind set, it is not worthy
various news media. of debate. Let us move on to what is more
On a serious note, this regime is here to
stay and they have an agenda. They want to
bring jobs back to the USA. This means any
country that offers them manufacturing
potential, will be rewarded. Japan foresaw
that, made a lucrative offer and boom just
like that Detroit, Michigan will no longer
be a dead town. Neither will it be pretty
like the cherry blossom avenue of DC
This brings me to ICE, the forbearer of (Japan’s previous contribution towards
all things immigration, border security, beautification of America), but that is
CAA, NRC, etc., and discuss the scenario an argument of aestheticism vs. reality.
that has you up in arms about the Choose your poison, I say. Not to be side-
treatment meted to the illegals who were lined, El Salvador (another lesser known
transported in shackles and chains back South American country) came forward
to their homeland. My sympathies since and emulated the Ellis Island message
they are my fellow Indians. But, really of yesteryears when the US welcomed
they gave away lakhs and crores to hands immigrants. As we speak Salvador has
unknown and followed the donkey route offered to take off of US hands, their weary,
to lands unknown? I’ll tell you who should downtrodden and hard-core criminals. The
be shackled! Those predator agents who regime will acquiesce and Salvador will