Page 38 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 38

Chinese philosophy lists five virtues that                           main characters played
         ought to be practised in the pursuit of                               by Sanjeev Kumar,
         perfection-- generosity, gravity, kindness,                           Mithun Chakraborty,
         sincerity, and earnestness.                                           Naseeruddin Shah, Raj
          In Indian cooking there is the panch                                 Babbar and Gulshan
         phoron masala and dal panchamel.                                      Grover, get together to
          A fun list of ways in which we have                                  fight the tyranny of the
         encountered the number 5:                                             zamindar.
         The Panchatantra:
                           Kids all over the country         Paanch (2003):
                          grow up listening to                                Anurag Kashyap’s
                          or reading the simple                               debut film about five
                          morality tales of the                               friends, was based on
                          Panchatantra. Legend                                the horrific 1976 Joshi-
                          has it that a king named                            Abhyankar murder case
                          Amarasakti commissioned                             in Pune, in which the
                          Vishnu Sharma to teach                              group kidnap their own
         his three sons the principles of wise                                friend, who is accidentally
         governance, and he used these stories to          killed, leading to a spate of murders. The
         impart moral and political lessons. The           film starring Kay Kay Menon, Aditya
         five books of the Panchatantra each have          Srivastava, Vijay Maurya, Joy Fernandes
         a different set of fables-- Mitra-bheda           and Tejaswini Kolhapure, was not given
         (The Loss of Friends), Mitra-labha (The           a certificate by the Central Board of Film
         Winning of Friends), Kakolukiyam (On              Certification, due to its extreme violence,
         Crows and Owls), Labdhapranasam (Loss             drug use and profane language, but has,
         of Gains), and Apariksitakarakam (Ill-            over the years, developed an underground
         Considered Action).                               following.

         The Famous Five:                                  Hum Paanch (1995):
                           Before Enid Blyton                                  In the successful sitcom
                          became persona non grata,                            that is given credit for
                          generations of kids grew                             popularising Zee TV
                          up reading her books, and                            and launching the acting
                          the favourite series was                             career of Vidya Balan,
                          the one that featured The                            Ashok Saraf played the
                          Famous Five-- Julian, Dick,                          harassed father to five
                          Anne, George and their                               daughters — Meenakshi,
         dog Timmy, who had adventures together,            Radhika, Sweety, Kajal, and Chhoti, who
         catching criminals or finding lost treasures.      get up to crazy antics in every episode and
                                                            drive their father up the wall.
         Hum Paanch (1980):
         A contemporary version of the Mahabharat           Five (1951):
         set in a village, directed by Bapu, has five       Directed by Arch Oboler, the film starring

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