Page 33 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 33

3. Manage Stress Effectively                       6. Limit Alcohol Consumption
         Chronic stress can take a toll on your             Excessive alcohol consumption can be
         heart health. Find healthy ways to manage          harmful to your heart. If you choose to
         stress, such as practicing mindfulness,            drink, do so in moderation. The American
         deep breathing exercises, or engaging              Heart Association recommends a
         in hobbies you enjoy. Make time for                maximum of one drink per day for women
         relaxation and self-care activities. Consider      and up to two drinks per day for men. It’s
         trying yoga or meditation to promote               important to note that excessive alcohol
         relaxation and reduce stress levels.               intake can lead to high blood pressure,
         Remember, a calm mind contributes to a             heart failure, and other cardiovascular
         healthy heart.                                     problems. Be mindful of your alcohol
                                                            consumption and prioritize moderation.
         4. Get Sufficient Sleep
         Getting enough sleep is crucial for your           7. Keep Your Blood Pressure in Check
         overall health, including your heart. Aim          High blood pressure is a significant risk
         for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.         factor for heart disease. Monitor your
         Create a relaxing sleep environment by             blood pressure regularly and take steps to
         keeping your bedroom dark, quiet, and              keep it within a healthy range. Maintain a
         at a comfortable temperature. Establish a          healthy weight, exercise regularly, reduce
         consistent sleep schedule by going to bed          sodium intake, limit alcohol consumption,
         and waking up at the same time each day.           and manage stress effectively. If necessary,
         Prioritize sleep and make it a priority in         consult with your healthcare provider
         your daily routine.                                about medication options to manage your
                                                            blood pressure.

                                                            8. Maintain a Healthy Weight
                                                            Excess weight puts strain on your heart
                                                            and increases the risk of heart disease.
                                                            Maintain a healthy weight by following
                                                            a balanced diet and engaging in regular
                                                            physical activity. Incorporate strength
                                                            training exercises to build lean muscle
                                                            mass, which helps boost your metabolism.
         5. Quit Smoking                                    Remember, even small weight loss can
         Smoking is one of the major risk factors           have a significant impact on your heart
         for heart disease. If you’re a smoker, take        health.
         steps to quit. Seek support from friends,
         family, or healthcare professionals.
         Consider nicotine replacement therapies or
         medications to assist you in your journey
         to quit smoking. Quitting smoking not
         only improves your heart health but also
         enhances your overall well-being.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #61 | JULY 2024                                                               33
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