Page 35 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 35

Slow down while eating, savour each                Maintaining social connections is
         bite, and listen to your body’s hunger             important for your heart health. Engage
         and fullness cues. Avoid distractions              in activities that allow you to connect with
         such as TV or smartphones during meals.            others, such as joining clubs, volunteering,
         Engaging in mindful eating helps you               or participating in group activities. Social
         make healthier food choices, prevents              support has been linked to lower stress
         overeating, and promotes a healthier               levels, improved mental health, and better
         relationship with food.                            heart health. Prioritize your relationships
                                                            and make time for meaningful connections.
         16. Reduce Sedentary Behavior
         Prolonged sitting or sedentary behavior            19. Laugh More Often
         is detrimental to your heart health. Find          Laughter is indeed the best medicine,
         ways to reduce sedentary time throughout           especially for your heart. Laughing reduces
         the day. Take frequent breaks to stand,            stress hormones, improves blood flow, and
         stretch, or walk around if you have a desk         promotes relaxation. Surround yourself
         job. Use a standing desk or an exercise            with people who make you laugh, watch
         ball to promote active sitting. Engage             funny movies, or engage in activities that
         in hobbies or activities that require              bring joy and laughter to your life. Find
         movement, such as gardening or dancing.            humor in everyday situations and let
         Every little bit of movement counts                laughter be a regular part of your life.
         towards a healthier heart.
                                                            20. Practice Gratitude
         17. Practice Yoga                                  Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can
         Yoga is ancient practices that offer               have a positive impact on your heart
         numerous benefits for your heart health.           health. Take a moment each day to reflect
         These mind-body exercises improve                  on the things you’re grateful for. It could be
         flexibility, strength, balance, and reduce         something as simple as a beautiful sunset
         stress levels. The gentle movements, deep          or a supportive friend. Practicing gratitude
         breathing, and meditation involved in              helps reduce stress, improves mental well-
         these practices promote relaxation and             being, and promotes a healthier heart.
         overall well-being. Consider joining a             Remember, taking care of your heart is
         yoga class to experience the heart-healthy         a lifelong commitment. Implementing
         benefits.                                          these 20 tips into your daily routine can
                                                            significantly improve your heart health
                                                            and overall well-being. Choose one or two
                                                            tips to focus on at a time and gradually
                                                            incorporate more as you progress on your
                                                            heart-healthy journey. Your heart will
                                                            thank you for it!
                                                             Let’s embark on this journey together, and
                                                            let’s prioritise our heart health!
                                                             Remember, a healthier heart means a
         18. Stay Socially Connected                        healthier life. Let’s get started!

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #61 | JULY 2024                                                               35
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