Page 37 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 37

on each foot, and through each hand.                In Indian mythology there were five
          The Pentateuch, which is the name given           Pandavas in the Mahabharat. Draupadi is
         to the books given to Moses, is composed           also known as Panchali, because of her five
         of five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,         husbands.
         Numbers, Deuteronomy.                               A village council—Panchayat—has five
          Muslims pray five times a day. The                members.
         faithful are required to follow five                A luxurious hotel is given a five star
         obligations, called the Five Pillars, which        rating, as well as an excellent film of play.
         are Shahada (profession of  faith), Salat          When friends connect, they give each other
         (prayer), Zakat (alms), Sawm (fasting), and        high fives.
         Haj (pilgrimage).
          Sikh Guru Gobind Singh established five
         Amritdhari or holy objects that believers
         should have on their person -- kangha
         (comb), kara (steel bracelet), kirpan
         (dagger), kachhera (cotton undershirt), and
         kesh (uncut hair).
          According to Tantric anatomy, humans
         are a composite of five bodies (pancha
         koshas): the physical body, the energetic
         body, the mental/emotional body, the                The Olympic Rings feature five
         inner-teacher or wisdom body, and the bliss        interlocked rings, each of a different colour,
         body.                                              representing the five continents – Europe
          There are five virtues:  truth, compassion,       (Blue), Asia (Yellow), America (Red),
         contentment, humility, and love; and also          Oceania (Green), and Africa (Black).
         five evils: lust, rage, greed, attachment, and
          Mathematically, 5 is an odd number in the
         system as the only prime number that has
         a sum of two consecutive prime numbers
         which are 2 and 3.

                                                             At Hindu rituals, Panchamrit is offered
          The five-pointed star, Pentagram, is a            as prasad, the holy drink is made with five
         sacred symbol in various religions.                ingredients-milk, curd, ghee, honey, sugar.

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