Page 36 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 36
Famous Five
Fab Five!
As Seniors Today celebrates its Fifth Anniversary, Deepa Gahlot explores
of the significance of the number 5
There are five elements in the universe, commandments. One set was a guide on
human beings have five senses, five how the Israelites ought to interact with
fingers, five toes, five tastes that the tongue God, while the other set was a guide on
registers. The number 5 is significant in so how they ought to interact with each other.
many ways. (Source:
A net search reveals: “The number During the suffering and crucifixion of
five is exceedingly important in terms Jesus, he suffered five wounds: on the chest,
of its symbolic qualities. It represents
human perfection, because a man with
outstretched arms and legs forms a
pentagon with the head “dominating the
four limbs, just as the spirit commands
the quaternary of elements” (Julien, 155)…
It has much Christian meaning as well:
five wounds, letters of Jesus, desire, faith,
hope, humility and love. In nature it is the
four cardinal directions plus the middle.
Can mean spring and growth in nature as
well. In relation to the planets: Mercury
- water, Venus - metal, Mars - fire, Jupiter -
vegetable, Saturn - earth.”
In Christianity, the Ten Commandments
were given in two sets, each with five Amritdhari