Page 39 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 39

Willian Phipps, Susan           Awards and in 2000 (source Wikipedia),
                           Douglas Rubes, James            was included in the annual selection of 25
                           Anderson, Charles               motion pictures added to the United States
                           Lampkin and Earl Lee,           National Film Registry of the Library
                           has an interesting plot         of Congress being deemed “culturally,
                           about five survivors of a       historically, or aesthetically significant”
                           nuclear holocaust. The          and recommended for preservation.
                           five come together at a
         remote location and try to figure out how to       Fast Five (2011):
         survive and cope with the future.                                    The Fast and Furious
                                                                              crew of Vin Diesel, Paul
         Five Easy Pieces (1970):                                             Walker, Dwayne Johnson,
                        Directed by Bob Rafaelson                             Tyrese Gibson, Chris
                        and starring Jack Nicholson                           Bridges and Matt Schulze
                        in the lead, the film tells the                       appear in the Justin Lin
                        story of an oil rig worker                            film--the fifth installment
                        Bobby Dupea, who is a               of this dizzying action franchise about a
                        rootless drifter, but used          group of street racers, who plan a heist
                        to be a piano prodigy. The          which puts them in the sights of a powerful
                        film was nominated for four         Brazilian drug lord and as well as a
         Academy Awards, and five Golden Globe              dangerous federal agent.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #61 | JULY 2024                                                               39
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