Page 44 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 44
is in no position to have his parents over,
for several reasons. But at the same time,
he desires to make his geriatric parents’
lonely living as comfortable as possible,
given his means. Another person getting on
in her age and becoming increasingly unfit,
is in no position to take care of her elderly
mother and a dependent child. She has
been forced to move her mother to an NGO
helping with assisted living at reasonable
costs. If I were to coin an expression in this
The general pressures and pursuits of context, all of us to a greater or a lesser
living, the breakdown of joint families, extent, live in constant FoD, FoE and FoF –
migrations for jobs and livelihoods, rising Fear of Dependency, Fear of End and Fear
costs of accommodations, expensive of Future. It is compounded by the fact that
medical treatments, low incomes and poor many of us have a misconceived notion
savings, the increasing ‘I, me, myself’ of ‘I do not want to be a burden on my
attitudes and many more reasons have children’. At one level it is unfair and being
brought about an inevitability of assisted presumptuous about our progeny and at
living, especially in the case of several another level we could have a heightened
urban families. There is a mushrooming opinion of our own independence and sense
of realty developers rushing in to provide of right and wrong. Yes, there are several
this assisted living facility in several cities cases of cruelty towards parents, desertion
across the country, from the hills to the of parents, remaining incommunicado
plains, from the coasts to the interiors, with parents and other forms of inhuman
promising the moon and end-to-end elder behaviours which may force a shift to old
care. Essentially, they project a beguilingly age homes. But they are exceptions, not the
comforting presence of heaven on earth, no norm fortunately.
different from a typically alluring hospital Circling back to where I started from,
ad as though people look forward to being of high stock indices and old age, there
in hospitals. But then, like so many other indeed is an opportunity of great returns
things in life, there are pros and cons of in investing in companies providing elder
shifting to assisted living and would differ care and assisted living. They do provide
from case to case. essential services for the aged. But the joy
will be greater the day one realises that
the brick and mortar of old age homes is a
temporary salve and incomparable to the
lasting solace of the heart and emotion of
kinship. After all, our last mile journey,
with all its joy and sorrow, does require
four pairs of arms. The rainbow looks
attractive, but there never is a pot of gold at
GoldenEstate, New Delhi its end.