Page 16 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 16
Intimacy plays a vital role in Dedicate time to engage in activities
keeping the flame of love burning in that enrich you as an individual, be
a relationship. Whether it’s through it a new hobby, reading, meditation,
deep, soul-baring conversations, tender fitness, or self-help courses. These
touches, or simply sharing a good experiences can bring about newfound
laugh over a shared memory, try to find self-understanding, confidence, and
avenues to reconnect with your partner perspective, which can indirectly
on an intimate level. Physical closeness breathe life into your relationship. By
can fuel attachment, affection, and love. better understanding yourself, you can
A strong intimate bond can serve as a better understand your needs within the
catalyst to reignite dormant feelings, relationship.
stimulate connection, and restore the In the chaos of daily life and amidst
affection that seems to have waned. dwindling romance, we often overlook
Restoring lost feelings is not a sprint; the good in our partners. Practising
it’s akin to a marathon. Understand that gratitude can help shift this perspective.
feelings, especially those tangled within Regularly acknowledging and expressing
a relationship, need time to untangle, appreciation for your partner’s qualities,
heal, and find their ground. Allow actions, or simply their presence in your
yourself and your partner ample space life can help foster positive feelings. It’s
and time to process these emotions, heal a simple yet effective strategy to remind
any unseen wounds, and rediscover each you why you fell in love in the first place,
other in a renewed light. Patience fosters potentially sparking those lost feelings.
an environment of understanding, As you laugh, learn and grow together
empathy, and acceptance, allowing for through these experiences you reawaken
the complex journey of love to unfold in the feelings that have dimmed and get
its rhythm. the zing back into the relationship.