Page 15 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 15
distancing. indicating a potential decrease in
Stress from work, family, or other romantic sensibilities. Understanding
sources can seep into the relationship, our emotions can be tricky and painful.
often masking or overshadowing the love You might find yourself getting more
you feel for each other. When external irritated or frustrated with your partner
factors play a role in the relationship and over seemingly trivial matters. A notable
it falls into a routine with little novelty or decrease in emotional and physical
excitement, it’s easy for the initial passion engagement, including a lack of empathy
to wane, leaving one feeling unfulfilled. or connection during conversations,
The decrease in shared intimate moments could be an indicative sign.
can lead to a slow decline in romantic Understanding and acknowledging these
sentiments for each other. signs could be a first step in addressing a
However, in the layers of emotions that situation.
a relationship represents, it’s essential To help each other, a couple needs to
to remember that losing feelings does have an honest and open conversation.
not always equate to losing love. In the In a non-confrontational and loving
beautifully complex world of human manner, clarity is effective in problem-
emotions, the feeling of ‘falling out of solving and can help in reducing
love’ can often leave us puzzled and misunderstanding and work towards
disheartened. Feeling your love fade in healing and growth within the
the relationship can be alarming, yet it’s relationship.
not an uncommon encounter. In long-
term relationships, it’s quite natural to
occasionally experience phases where
your feelings seem diminished or less
vibrant. This doesn’t always signal the
end of love; rather, it’s often a reflection
of routine, stress, or personal struggles
creeping into the relationship’s emotional
This isn’t about the occasional
disagreement or fleeting annoyance. Talk to a relationship counsellor, a
It’s a more profound, persisting feeling professional can provide a safe space to
of detachment or indifference towards start a conversation and explore complex
each other. The spark that once burned problems, offer guidance to suite the
brightly appears to be smouldering, the situation.
passion diluted. It’s an emotional state A couple can relive the past or create
marked by a lack of desire, enthusiasm, a new activities that both can enjoy
or interest that was once integral to the watching a movie, cooking or involving
romantic bond you shared. themselves with nature, going on hike
What are the signs of losing feelings? or even creating a balcony garden. These
Certain patterns and behaviours, new experiences enable you to view each
however, can act as telltale signs other in a positive light.