Page 22 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 22


         The importance of keeping your

         urinary system healthy

         If you pay a little attention to what your body is telling you, mainitaining
         good health of your urinary system is not difficult, writes Dr Nandini Saini

          The urinary tract is one of the systems of       expel wastes efficiently.
         the body we take for granted, not giving          However, anything that affects any of these
         a second thought to the entire process. It        organs and causes a break in this chain can
         just works in the background, ridding the         cause urinary diseases.
         body of impurities, keep it healthy. Any            The term urinary diseases describe a wide
         disruption in the system, however, can            variety of conditions related to filtering and
         result in a multitude of health issues for an     also carrying urine out of the body.
         individual.                                       Urinary diseases can affect men, women,
          The urinary tract consists of the kidneys,       and children of every age. Urinary diseases
         ureters, bladder and urethra. Your kidneys        affect specific parts of the body. In females
         filter your blood, creating urine, which          they involve the urinary tract, in men; it
         travels through the ureters to the bladder,       affects the reproductive organs as well.
         where it is stored. When the appropriate            Here are some common types of urinary
         time comes, the muscles of your bladder            diseases.
         contract and urine is excreted from your           Incontinence
         body through your urethra.                         Sudden loss of control over the bladder,
          The body uses this urinary system in              causing accidental urine leakage.
         general and the urinary tract, in particular,      Types
         to get rid of the bodily wastes and extra          Transient: A short episode of loss of
         fluids. When all the parts of the urinary          bladder control, could be due to medication,
         system are all working in perfect order,           age urinary infection or even pregnancy
         normal urination occurs and the body can           (the uterus exerts pressure on the bladder).

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