Page 20 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 20
at a cocktail, I consider it an evening
wasted.’ Which, I guess, is a local version
of the social contract.
It can’t be otherwise in a city whose
double helix comprises dhandho (business)
and its grease rokda (cash). After all, Image courtesy: GQ
Bombay was born in a dowry chest,
and blossomed with the hormones of
commerce. Even the serial bomb blasts of Delhiwallas have as much culture as power and money
1993 went its economic jugular, bringing Where do Delhiites fit in all this? If for
12 of its most arrogant corporate towers to the Mumbaikar, money may equal power,
their knees in almost as many minutes. but the former is often pursued without
Its people have also scripted a gladrags to bothering about the latter, it’s quite the
riches story. When we launched Bombay opposite for the Dilli Billi, the capital’s
Times and its signature Page Three in fat cats. The city’s hierarchies changed
1994, none of us knew how it would hype dramatically several decades ago. The
glamour to unthinkable heights, and dominant Lalajis were first replaced by
launch a million aspirations across the a diarchy of sarkari satraps and cultural
social register. It became the Holy Grail czars and czarinas. Then those from art,
of the middle classes; more incredibly, fashion, food and foreign-funded NGOs
political Page One People air-dashed to insinuated their way to the top of the
Bombay parties desperately seeking P3P- social pyramid. These would be derided
status. In this disturbing phenomenon, as the Khan Market gang when Narendra
Celebrity has elbowed out Fame; and Modi ushered in ‘New India’ – and later
Achievement languishes a distant third on proceeded to wipe out large tracts of
the roster of goals. the old. The Raj from Rajpath and the
Mum-bais may sweat it out in the Mughals from streetnames and even the
commuter cattle trains, chopping dinner eponymous Garden at Rashtrapati Bhavan.
vegetables on the exhausted ride home, but Fortunately the grand monuments which
Bom-babes inhabit their own metaverse. lend so much space and grace to Delhi have
The pampered, perfumed penthouse been survived unscathed. So far.
parvenu have their own eternal triangle: The good thing is that, in its best avatar,
Willingdon Club, Alibag and Gstaad, -- or Delhiwallas have as much culture as power
any ultra-luxe getaway they can get to and money, courtesy the institutions both
in their private jets and/or yachts, with sarkari and private. And the fact that
matched, monogrammed luggage and sprawling homes can showcase the art
designer-dressed nannies in tow. In fact, collection, host the mehfil.
forget the Goa holiday ‘shack’, the Dubai As a domiciled Mumbaikar, dare I say
second home has actually become their it? Delhites have more style. Living in
first home. Now, thanks to all the raids, the the capital adds a cachet. The diplomatic
taxman has overtaken the gossip columnist circle upping the cuisine is only one
in telling us about their staggering example of the advantages of greater
possessions. exposure (but please discount, the vodka