Page 25 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 25

hydrated. Certain foods and medicines can          to urine.
         change that.                                       URINE TEMPERATURE- Urine, on
         1.Clear – could indicate overhydration, or         expulsion, usually feels warm. Excessively
         even liver disease.                                warm or hot urine could be a sign of an
         2.Cloudy urine - Medical conditions like           infection.
         urinary tract infection, some chronic               In women, warm urine could indicate
         diseases and kidney conditions can result          vaginal infections, post pregnancy injury,
         in cloudy urine. In some cases, cloudy urine       STD.
         is another sign of being dehydrated. If you         In men, it could be a sign of prostatitis,
         have cloudy urine and you’re pregnant, it          injuries to urethra, STD, UTI.
         could be a sign of a dangerous condition
         called preeclampsia. Cloudy urine with
         foam or bubbles (pneumaturia) can be a
         symptom of serious health conditions,
         including Crohn’s disease or diverticulitis.
         3. Pink/ red – Foods like beet, medicines
         such as laxatives or rifampicin (treatment
         for tuberculosis) cause urine to run red.
         Hematuria (blood in urine), observed in
         case of renal calculi, severe UTIs or cancers,     Improve your Urological Health
         can cause the reddish hue too.                     It is important that we treat any disease
         4. Orange – dehydration, chemotherapy              that cause urinary complaints, as well
         drugs, jaundice, can all cause orange urine.       as take steps to improve and maintain
         5. Brown – Usually an indicator of                 urological health.
         dehydration. Medical conditions like               Medication: Most diseases respond to
         porphyria or liver disease can also result in      medication such as anti-biotics, diuretics
         brown colored urine. Certain medications           and NSAIDs. Do not hesitate to take
         like metronidazole, certain foods like flava       medicines s prescribed.
         beans can give urine a brown color.                Surgery: Some conditions, such as
         6. Blue/ green – it’s rare and usually food        strictures or Calculi, need surgery as part of
         related- some food dyes, some medicines,           complete treatment.
         multi vitamins.                                    Dietary changes - A healthy diet and fluid
          ODOUR – Urine usually has a very                  intake go a long way towards maintaining
         distinct, but mild odor, imparted by the           the urinary system -
         amount and type of toxins excreted in it.          1. Staying hydrated – 1.5 to 2.5 liters of
         Any change in the smell of urine can be            water a day is the recommended quantity
         indicative of a serious disease.                   for a healthy urinary flow.
         1. A strong ammonia like odor means urine          2. Staying within a healthy weight range
         which is highly concentrated with waste.           (avoid obesity) – Obesity can increase the
         2. A sweet or fruity smell could mean              intra-abdominal pressure, causing stress
         diabetes, a bacterial infection or presence of     and urge incontinence.
         amino acids. Portal hypertension, a result         3. Smoke-free lifestyle – Besides causing
         of liver disease, also gives a sweetish smell      one to cough, which often results in urine

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