Page 26 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 26

leakage, Smoke can also irritate the bladder,      genital area stay cooler.
         increasing incontinence.                           4. Avoid tight-fitting jeans and leggings.
         4. Limit fluid intake in the nighttime hours       5. Try to urinate every 3 to 4 hours and
         – excessive fluid intake at night may trigger      avoid holding your urine when you need to
         nocturnal enuresis.                                go.
         5. Limit the amount of salt and caffeine           6. Take warm baths to soothe the sensation
         intake- caffeine being a natural diuretic,         of urination.
         can result in excessive urination, as well as      7. For women: Urinate before and after
         incontinence.                                      sexual activity to decrease risks of a UTI.
         6. Salt is known to cause water retention in       8. Wipe yourself from front to back after
         the body. Expelling the extra fluid can be         going to the bathroom
         taxying for the kidneys. Excreting the extra       9. Avoid douching and vaginal sprays.
         salt is work for the kidneys too, and may          10. Read the side effects list of your birth
         result in more water being thrown out of           control before taking it
         the body, than the actual intake.                  11. Exercise and eat a whole-foods diet to
         7. Refrain from having carbonated drinks –         maintain a healthy weight for your height,
         Carbonated drinks are known to irritate the        as well as your sugar levels.
         bladder, triggering urge incontinence.             12. Monitor your blood glucose levels
         8. Eat foods rich in probiotics, especially        13. Avoid foods like desserts, breads, and
         lactobacillus, which is found in yogurt and        beer that may spike your blood glucose
         kefir. Studies suggest that lactobacillus may      14. Consistent diabetes management can
         be helpful for women with recurrent UTIs.          prevent diabetic ketoacidosis.
         Lifestyle changes:                                  Urinary complaints are common and
         1. Strengthen muscles of the pelvic area           usually treatable issues, if you pay a little
         with Kegel exercises.                              attention to what your body is telling you.
         2. If you use soap in the genital area, use an      Talk to your doctor about all the
         unscented product made for sensitive skin.         symptoms. Consult an urologist if required.
         3. Wear loose, cotton underwear. Consider          If these urinary disorders are left untreated,
         not wearing underwear to bed to help your          it can have serious complications.

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