Page 19 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 19

trendy cafes too are lined with shelves of         Amartya.
         books, but their patrons prefer to be left to       At one level this altered Kolkata reality
         their own ‘devices’.                               truly demands a ‘suspension of disbelief’.
                                                            But thankfully, the impromptu adda,
                                                            the pavement chess, the heated debate
                                                            over chai and shingara are still alive and
                                                            kicking; strains of Rabindrasangeet still
                                                            float out of windows to find counterpoint
                                                            in the conch blown at dusk; and yes, some
                                                            babu still leaves his soulless municipal
                                                            cubicle, and goes home to translate Brecht.
                                                             Mumbai had been marching to a more
                                                            frenetic drum beat long before I arrived
         Passengers await the metro train in Delhi          there at the start of the 70s. Like sex in the
                                                            notorious ‘cages’ of Foras Road, everything
                                                            was fatatat; show me the money and
                                                            take the goods, no time for unproductive
                                                            chit-chat. The figurative fast lane has got
       Image Courtesy: Zomato                               slower thanks to the insane construction of
                                                            faster -- though the concrete one has got

                                                            transport infrastructure.

         In Kokotta, Flurys is now done up for dinner
          As in Delhi, the metro railway has
         dismantled the North-South cultural
         divide. People are breaking out of their
         tradition social zones though the traffic is
         largely one-way, from traditional enclaves
         to cosmopolitan ones. Thus, Flurys, Park           The coastal road and other infrastructure
         Street’s once-exclusive ‘tea-room’, began          projects will change Mumbai forever
         offering a dinner menu after this iconic            In that binary of work and leisure, the
         avenue became easily accessible, and               Kolkatan has a leisurely approach to
         brought in patrons who couldn’t make it            anything resembling the former – and a
         during leisured-class hours. On a trip last        business-like bustle when it comes to office
         month, I found a chatter(jee) of girls from        picnics. A Statesman colleague drawled
         deep North, suburban Howrah tucking                with proud disdain: ‘Over five generations,
         into, yes, a full English breakfast at the         no one in my family has lifted anything
         multi-cuisine Bunaphile, within an olive’s         heavier than a pen.’ In stark contrast, when
         throw from the aforementioned Purna Das            the Mumbai executive isn’t working, she’s
         Road. It used to be the maternal home of           networking. A corporate czar said bluntly,
         Nabaneeta Dev Sen, former wife of Nobel-           ‘If I haven’t initiated at least three contracts

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #49 | JULY 2023                                                               19
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