Page 32 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 32
Alaimentary - A Story of a tale - 4
My Daughter & I
It was a joyous occasion for Naresh Apte and Sujaya Sharma, as they soaked and
basked in the magical dusk of a celebratory evening, writes Nagesh Alai
It was a lambent ambience aglow with the 5 ranker, much admired and wooed by not
colourful attires and fineries donned by the just a few.
gathering on lush and plush green lawns Naresh and Sujaya had taken an
edging over a sheer drop to the high tides instinctive liking for each other the moment
of the sea. The sun was gradually setting, they had been introduced. Naresh saw
the skies awash with streaks of colours in Sujaya the daughter that he never had
behind the translucent clouds and waves and Sujaya saw in Naresh the father that
covered with a shimmer of gold, yellow and she had lost early in her life. Naresh was
red. It was a magical dusk, made more so articulate and affectionate by nature while
with the mellifluous shehnai strains in the Sujaya was understated and passionate
background, welcoming the guests for a about everything in life. Sujaya and her
celebratory evening. classmates had had a whale of a time and
It was a joyous occasion for Naresh Apte conversations over a celebratory meal
and Sujaya Sharma, as they soaked and late that evening and Naresh was one of
basked in the warm setting. Naresh was a the invitees. Joie de vivre was evident as
widower in his late sixties and Sujaya was everyone was taking everyone else’s case
in her mid-thirties. Naresh and Sujaya had via humorous anecdotes and experiences
met about a dozen years ago at the passing over two years of togetherness in their
out convocation of a prestigious business arduous MBA journey, now all set to
school down south. Sujaya was one of the embark on exciting professions and careers
bright spots in that institute and was a top in India and abroad.