Page 28 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 28


        Rediscovering sex

        in our seniors years

        Even if you are well into your senior years, sex can be a wonderful part of
        your life, writes Vinita Alvares Fernandes

         So what if you’ve passed your prime and            for your mental and physical health.
         well within your golden years.                     It’s a way to connect with your partner
          Crossing 60 does not mean you can’t revel         and yourself. As your bodies and
         in some fun.                                       minds mature and change, so does your
          Infact 80 is the new 60, which makes 60           relationship with sex. You can’t expect to
         the new 40.                                        be agile like bunnies when you’re now a
          Recently I came across an interview with          mature rabbit.
         Jane Fonda, who at 80 says she has never            Ageing leads to change and life
         been more intimate with her feelings and           transitions and allows you to redefine
         her body, in fact she knows very clearly           what sexuality and intimacy means to
         what she would or would not put up with            you. If you’ve ever been curious about
         in bed.                                            spicing up your sex life, you might want
          Who said sex cant be a part of your golden        to continue reading. It’s not about bendy
         years.?                                            positions, Karma Sutra or recreating the
          Being a senior does not mean you have to          past, it’s all about just showing up.
         sit in a chair knitting tea cosies from dusk
         to dawn. Even if you are well into your            Here are some ways to spice up your sex
         senior years, sex can be a wonderful part of       life in your golden years —
         your life.                                         Remember that your body has changed-
          Sex is a natural part of life and important       As you age, sex isn’t the same but

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