Page 30 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 30
The erogenous zones in your body tend to cannot produce enough lubrication, use
change as you age. Looking for these new store bought lubrication. This can enhance
erotic spots can be surprising and fulfilling your sexual experience and make it more
at the same time. Exploring yours and your comfortable and pleasurable.
partner’s erogenous zones is a great way to
connect. Use protection-
Physical intimacy can be risky, no matter
Masturbate and massages- your age. Sexually transmitted infections
Sometimes self pleasuring with your and diseases can affect you at any time. As
partner can be a satisfying way to have you age, it becomes harder for your body to
sex . You pleasure yourself, your partner fight infections so be sure to use protection.
pleasures themself. Afterall you know your Make sure you use new and unexpired
own body the best. protection (condoms). Another tip- before
A sensual body massage can lead to engaging with a new partner, its wise to get
delicious, relaxing pleasure. Give it a try! tested for STIs and STDs.
Use sex toys-
Sex toys can amp up your sex life. There Be loving non sexually-
are numerous sex toys available nowadays. Being affectionate and loving with
Choose one that will serve both you and your partner outside the bedroom is so
your partner. This is a sure shot way to important. Simple acts like holding acts,
jazz up your sex life. kissing, sitting next to each other, going on
dates, looking into one another’s eyes are
Set the mood, don’t skimp on the simple but effective ways to stay close to
romance- your partner (physically and emotionally).
Set the vibe. candles, dim lighting, flirting,
kissing, massages, going on a date,
touching, dressing sensually are some
ways to get the ball rolling (pardon the
pun). Do not pinch pennies when it comes
to romance.
Kissing is key-
Kissing doesn’t have to lead but it can
definitely pave the way for sex. Think Explore Tantra-
of kissing as the accelerator in a car. It You may have heard of Tantra. Tantra is
stimulates the brain and revs up your sex an ancient Hindu practice of combining
drive. For some extra intimacy and loving, the physical and spiritual realms of your
engage in a lot of kissing. being into a meditative sexual practice.
Tantric sex isn’t about contorted postures
Use personal lubrication- or multiple orgasms, (although that can
Vaginal dryness and friction can be painful happen). It’s about being totally present
as you age. Being sufficiently lubricated and aware of your body, whether you
while engaging in sex is vital. If your body are alone or with a partner. According