Page 31 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 31

to Tanta, sexual energy is the human               It’s essential to communicate openly and
         version of nuclear energy. This means it           honestly about your needs and desires.
         can be wildly creative and passionate or           It’s completely fine to be honest and
         equally destructive, depending on how you          vulnerable with your partner. Sexual
         harness it.                                        partners who communicate openly have a
                                                            fulfilling and roaring sex life.
         Communicate with each other and give
         feedback-                                          Visit your healthcare provider or a sex
         Give each other plenty of feedback in the          therapist-
         moment, before or after, especially about          Visit a sex therapist or healthcare
         what feels good and what doesn’t. Simple           professional if you need help dealing with
         questions like-                                    specific issues.
         What did you enjoy?
         What would you like to try next?                   To sum it up…
         What do you like?                                  Real sex. Satisfying sex. Hot sex.
         What do you need to reach your pinnacle?           Every type of sex is a part of life and there
         What is uncomfortable for you?                     is no age limit when it comes to sex.
         What do you not like?                              Openness, mindfulness, letting go of
         What is off-limits?                                judgements and being willing is what leads
         What are you nervous about trying?                 to great sex.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #49 | JULY 2023                                                               31
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