Page 21 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 21

of my children, twenty-three years of good         and a 2D-echo confirmed all was well with
         health, kind of gave me the vision that I was      my heart.
         on the right track.                                 The marvel of a curious doctor, suggested
          I belong to the nature cure, ‘food is             (not on an urgent basis) a CT angiogram to
         medicine’ brigade, so when I was asked to          rule out all doubts, given my family history,
         start a statin a few years ago, because of         yes here is where the family history came
         family history, I slyly declined the doctor’s      into play again.
         advice and continued to live by nature cure.        It was this CT angiogram that revealed a
         All signs of chest tightness were attributed       little something that was in hiding for who
         to stress and anxiety as I never felt tiredness    knows how long.
         or breathlessness and walked my ten to              The report suggested an angiogram and one
         twelve thousand steps plus one hour of             knows that an angiogram is almost always
         Iyengar yoga six days a week.                      followed by an Angioplasty; it’s just a matter
                                                            of how many tubes need cleaning. Hmmm,
         THE FIRST SIGN—One day I experienced               sounds so clinical but it is the very truth.
         a giddy spell after my yoga class and on           Exactly the way it panned out for me.
         taking my blood pressure, saw it was               The three important parameters to clear—
         unusually high, this settled in a few              ECG
         days naturally. The chest pain and slight          2D Echo
         heaviness in my head continued.                    CT angiogram
                                                            if these are clear you are home safe.
         What exactly did I feel?                            Once the CT angiogram reported
         Like you want to burp and the burp is not          irregularities, there was no time to be
         released, like air bubbles are trapped in your     wasted.
         chest and intestines, sometimes you can’t           I was asked to do a few tests — CBC,
         take a deep full breath but normal breathing       Creatinine and of course RCPTR, admitted
         is fine, occasional pain in shoots or stings in    early next morning and before I could
         your chest area and your neck and shoulder         catch my breath, I was on a stretcher being
         area feels stiff. All this passed and life was     wheeled into the Cath Lab.
         well again.
          I also believe that I am divinely protected,      How Do You Prepare Yourself Before You
         good or bad, foolish or wise I don’t know, but     Get Admitted —
         I tend to live life fearlessly with this belief.   Physically
         Here’s how my story unfolds with divine            remove all body hair
         protection leading me to safety.                   good clearing of the bowel
                                                            put together a mini toilet kit
         THE SECOND SIGN— A deep tissue                     your medicine pouch
         massage, led to soreness of my left shoulder       your medical file
         blade, this slight swelling but acute soreness,    no lenses, no false teeth
         burning sensation and shooting pain at             a set of clothes
         times for over two months permeating to            disposable slippers
         the chest led me to investigate. A visit to the    eye mask
         Physiotherapist confirmed a muscle spasm           ear plugs

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