Page 30 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 30
pages, as created by Cameron, are three able to give attention to those things helps
pages of longhand morning writing, done you enter your day with the right energy
when you’re thinking about anything at all, and priorities all sorted out.
like: I forgot to buy my doggies food, I need What was a cluttered mind is often cleared
to call my sister back, I need to cut my hair, after this exercise, and you can move
I have to pay my electricity bill. through the day focused on the things you
“Your jottings may seem to have nothing chose.
to do with creativity, but what they do is Ready to try writing some morning pages?
clear your mind; it’s as though you’ve taken
a little dust-buster and you go poking into Set an intention for the day
all the corners of your consciousness, and
you come up with what you put on the
page,” says Cameron
Your morning pages could be just
mundane thoughts that flow once you start
writing—like; how long does it take for the
coffee to brew? Now I am drinking coffee.
I am so tired. I didn’t sleep well; there’s far
too much noise outside etc. etc.
You can keep going because somewhere “When you have clarity of intention, the
through the pages you will find that you universe conspires with you to make it
are articulating something that you didn’t happen.”
realise you needed to process. And that’s – Fabienne Fredrickson
the great part about writing the ‘morning This is yet another simple but powerful
pages’ habit. An intention is a tool or chosen
If for instance, you thought you’d gotten mindset to guide you through your day.
over a tiff with your husband and realised A reminder of what you want to focus on
you were still harboring some resentment. (because we all know how hard it can be
By penning down your thoughts you could to focus). The act of identifying the type of
write your way into an antidote to the energy you want to bring into the day.
experience. Your intention is a reminder to stay
All things you didn’t know until you mindful throughout the day.
wrote them down. To set daily intentions, write the following
As Cameron puts it, “When you put in your journal or piece of paper:
the negativity [or whatever comes up] Today, I intend to [fill in the blank].
on the page, it isn’t eddying through All you have to do is take a minute to think
your consciousness throughout the day. about what you want for the day. Think
Morning pages are a clearing exercise, and about what you want to get out of it. Think
they are an exercise that make you gain about the energy you want to attract.
much more consciousness (awareness) as Here are some other things to think about:
you pass through your day.” ●What kind of person do you want to be
The act of processing, seeing what your today?
mind (and pen!) focus on, and then being ●What attitude do you want to have