Page 26 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 26
- Your daily hygiene routine becomes more month mark should take place. Keep your
and more possible to handle on your own list of queries ready and daily readings of
and within a week of the procedure your your blood pressure, oxygen levels and
arm can maneuver itself almost as before. blood sugar if needed.
- Aspirin can cause a lot of acidity and - Walk five minutes and build to fifteen
indigestion, take it after a heavy meal, I two to three times a day at week two
read somewhere that it’s better to take it gradually increasing to half hour by week
at night as most heart attacks occur early four. Walk on an empty stomach; heart
morning a the effect of the aspirin is still patients need to do the reverse, not right
strong twelve hours later rather than after meals but one hour after a meal.
twenty plus hours later. While walking clasp your hands with
- It takes two to three weeks for you to straight arms at the back, you can take
regain physical strength and the spirit support of your butt, this stretches and
to get back to chatting with family and strengthens the trapeze muscles.
friends, short outings in small groups, Remember the heart is a muscle; it needs to
slow walks all begin to take shape. be stretched all the time to stay healthy.
My mum always told us, nothing makes - Watch happy movies, it will relax you.
you feel better than dressing up and Welcome to your new life, there is no
showing up, look in the mirror, smile for turning back from a lifestyle of heart
the new day of renewed strength. healthy foods, exercise and happy living.
‘This too shall pass’— it always passes. You are now twenty years younger in your
- Doctors’ visits at the two-week and one heart.