Page 31 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 31

towards other people?                              slowly and mindfully. Take all your
         ●What do you need to commit to in order to         medication and bless all the food you eat as
         live a purpose-filled  life?                       it is your fuel for the day. Make sure your
         You could reaffirm to yourself:                    engine is geared up for a good day.
         I will:                                            The sun is the vital force of the human
         ●Not lose my temper                                body. Scientists are encouraging people,
         ●Be grateful for the food that I eat               especially seniors, to get 30 minutes
         ●Choose to be joyful                               of morning sun whilst walking. It’s a
         ●Enjoy my creativity                               double whammy. When you are exposed
         ●Dance or sing to my favourite tunes               to sunlight or very bright artificial light
         ●Stay in my heart instead of my head               in the morning, the nocturnal melatonin
         Your intentions might change from day to           production in your brain occurs sooner,
         day, or you might stick to one intention that      and you enter into sleep more easily at
         you use all the time. You make the rules for       night. You also get the physical exercise
         this one.                                          that you need coupled with the all
         Enjoy an outdoor walk three or four                important supply of Vitamin D3 from the
         times a week and a hearty breakfast                sun.
         daily…                                              Whatever you choose to do once you
         I reckon “hearty” means looking after              rise each day, make the best of the most
         your heart. You know what to do here.              wonderful hours of early morning, in order
         Remember to enjoy your meal and eat                to enjoy your day to its fullest.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #33 | MARCH 2022                                                              31
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