Page 29 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 29
Self- affirmations differ from prayers and other people.
mantras in that it turns our focus inward. Your psychological health gets boosted.
It’s self-care and your inner work. One of Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic
the best ways of turning inward is to get emotions, ranging from envy and
into the good habit of morning affirmations. resentment to frustration and regret. It
They take no more than 30 seconds. But increases inner joy and reduces depression.
the caveat here is to keep repeating your Gratitude enhances your empathy
affirmations throughout the day. Repeating quotient whilst reducing anger. Grateful
your affirmations make you more present, people are more likely to behave in a
more grounded and render spaciousness prosocial manner, even when others
– from where you can calmly respond to behave less kind.
happenings of your day rather than be in a You sleep better. Writing in a gratitude
state of flux. journal improves sleep. Jotting down three
Affirmations also strengthen your self- things that you are thankful for every
worth and self- confidence wherein you night, helps you sleep better.
make decisions for your highest good and You fortify resilience and mental
are able to let non-issues slide by without strength. For years, research has shown
over thinking them. Your thoughts dictate gratitude not only reduces stress, but it
your life so it’s best to control them for your may also play a major role in overcoming
good. trauma. Recognising all you have to be
Some affirmations you could say: thankful for – even during the worst times
• I am a divine soul of your life – fosters resilience.
• I bring love and light into all my It doesn’t matter whether you journal it
relationships down or think it out aloud or say it. Being
• I communicate with a positive spirit thankful is the powerful way to live an
• I am blessed with {fill in the blank} abundant and blessed life.
Give thanks Declutter your mind — Write down your
morning thoughts
Yep. The gratitude lecture again. Yet it
makes so much sense. Here are some
reasons why:
You improve your physical health. Julia Cameron describes the power that the
Grateful people experience fewer aches and stream of consciousness writing can have
pains and they report feeling healthier than for clearing a cluttered mind: Morning