Page 28 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 28
Spiritualists, religious gurus, and meditation. Your meditation should be
researchers agree that starting your day able to transcend your mind into blissful
in a positive way, i.e. one which raises emptiness.
your consciousness and thus your level Follow this with a few asanas or
of vibration, elevates your frequency to pranayama. This step involves you
receive goodwill from the universe and physically embracing the day with positive
helps you tune into divine energies. On energy.
the contrary, given a scenario where you
wake up depressed, angry, frustrated or Why is Brahma muhurta so powerful?
other accompanying negative energies in During Brahma muhutra hours there are
tow, you will surely fuel more negativity loving (sattvic) qualities in nature that can
imbuing into your day. The reason? bring peace of mind and freshness to the
When you vibrate at a low frequency you doors of our perception.
subconsciously attract negative situations. It relates to the law of microcosms and
The way out? Raising your soul macrocosms which posits a structural
consciousness during brahma muhurta. similarity between the human being (the
Brahma muhurta is the name for the early microcosm, i.e., the small order or the small
(creator’s) hours of each day. There are universe) and the cosmos as a whole (the
varied opinions about exactly which hours macrocosm, i.e., the great order or the great
constitute brahma muhurta but the time universe); understanding this, we might
from 3.20 am to 3.50 am are regarded as see how we can take advantage of brahma
spiritually special or broadly between muhurta to lead to increased health and
3.30 am to 5.30 am. Your meditation and peace in our lives.
spiritual practice is best achieved during PS: you DO NOT HAVE to be religious or
the period of 1 hour and 36 minutes before spiritual to try this out. Just go with what
sunrise and ending up to 48 minutes before appeals to your senses and flow with it.
it. Trust yourself.
The steps to follow are varied. Most gurus
prescribe that you make the best use of this Self – affirmations propel your day with
time when your mind is blank and pure empowerment and self – love
with no worldly samskaras (impressions).
Start with –
Your choice of chants, mantras/ japas,
hymns, prayers. You could also chant
Om slowly. (Scientific studies on Om:
Autonomic and respiratory studies suggest
that there is a combination of mental
alertness with physiological rest during the
practice of Om meditation). This practice
helps your mind achieve stillness.
Meditate for a while. The time period is
not as important as the quality of your