Page 9 - Seniorstoday March 2022 Issue
P. 9
are good sources of Vit C, carotenoids and
They are particularly rich in Lutein,
and protect the eyes from macular
and selenium, theyhelp prevent cell
damage and may reduce tumor size.
Their calcium and mineral content is also
quite high, and helps in strengthening
• Shiitake mushrooms Leafy greens
Found to be rich in lipid and • Spinach
polysaccharides, these can lower We all know the general benefits of
cholesterol levels. They may also be anti- green veggies…rich in iron, folates, and
neoplastic. multivitamins. Spinach has all of these.
• Watercress Besides, it is very rich in potassium and
A low calorie count ( 4 cal/ cup) and helps maintain blood pressure.
loaded withvitamin C, lutein and anti- It also has a high content of Vit A and
neoplasticphytochemicals, this vegetable is K, aiding in tissue repair and clotting,
a valuable addition to your plate. respectively.
• Broccoli Lutein, an anti-oxidant present in large
Eaten raw or cooked, this vegie contains quantities, helps in slowing and treating
more protein compared to others, making it ocular diseases like macular degeneration.
a smart choice to add to your plate. It also helps maintain cognition.
• Asparagus • Swiss chard
Not only is asparagus rich in Vit A, C and Like all green veggies, these are low
K, making it a greatanti-oxidant, it also in calories, rich in multi vitamins and
contains chromium, a trace element which antioxidants, and can help reduce obesity,
helps control diabetes. diabetes and cardiac diseases.
The folate contained in asparagus helps in It also as very high content of Vit K ,
maintaining and boosting brain function. which prevents clotting and bleeding
It also has high levels of asparagine, disorders, and Vit A, beneficial for good
making it a natural diuretic- beneficial eyesight .
to people suffering from oedema or • Mustard greens
hypertension. These greens have a high content of
• Bell peppers Vit K, which aids blood clotting and
Available in various colors, bell peppers strengthening of bones.