Page 22 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 22
stimulating insulin production. spoonful of ghee, daily, can improve
Reduces constipation hormonal levels in people. It may also
Ghee acts as a natural laxative- a tsp of ghee improve the quantity and quality of sperms.
with warm water has been known to clear Aids lactation
the tummy and remove toxins. Ghee has been observed to help lactating
Good for skin mothers, increasing the quantity of milk
Ghee has long been used for skin care- as a secreted. It is also very nutritious and helps
moisturizer in cases of dry skin, as and anti- regulate hormonal balance.
inflammatory in cases of active acne, and as Benefits babies
a anti biotic in cases of burns and scars. Possessing anti-microbial as well as anti-
Promotes healthy hair growth inflammatory properties, ghee benefits
Being oily in consistency, it acts as a babies too. High amounts of vitamin A,
conditioner when applied to dry hair or a K and D present in ghee helps strengthen
dry, flaky scalp. Its abundant reserves of their eyesight and bones. It’s a boon for
Vit E and unsaturated fatty acids help in babies struggling with low weight, known
hydrating the locks. Also, the anti-microbial to trigger growth spurts. It also helps soothe
properties ghee possesses make it a good irritable skin (such as eczema.)
choice to tackle dandruff and flaky skin. Anti-ageing
Cures urticarial The anti-oxidants present in ghee fight the
Urticaria is an allergic skin reaction of the free radicals in the body, and slow down the
body, to stress or insect bites. Applying aging process.
ghee on the urticarial rash alleviates the Treats insomnia
symptoms. Ayurveda also advises that a tsp Rubbing ghee over the temples is said to
of ghee with black pepper, consumed daily, reduce insomnia. The calming effect that
is a permanent solution to this allergy. the ghee and the massage both have, gives
Positively affects nervous system good sleep
Rich in butyric acid Importance in Ayurveda:
A rich source of butyric acid, ghee is known Ayurveda- the ancient practice of medicine-
to strengthen immunity; it is believed to places ghee as one of the first foods one must
even combat neoplastic cells. have. As per the Ayurveda text Sushruta
High content of omega 3 fatty acids Samhita, ghee is beneficial for the entire
The large quantities of omega 3 and omega 6 body.
fatty acids present in ghee help in reducing When taken orally, it helps relieve acidity,
the secretion of prostaglandins, which cause fevers, headaches, sore throats, corrects
inflammation and pain. hormonal imbalance. It also lubricates the
Good source of conjugated linoleic acid joints.
Being rich in CLA, ghee lowers high Applied locally, it promotes faster healing
cholesterol, as well as increasing the good of wounds and burns.
cholesterol in the body. CLA also helps in Since it has a tendency to warm you from
making the muscles stronger and increases within, it is used in several winter recipes
body metabolism – helping burn body fat. like carrot halwa, besan laddoos etc.
Improves reproductive health It is an essential part of diets given to
It is believed that consumption of a expectant women and new mothers.