Page 11 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 11

add to the collections. Collecting requires,
                                                            not just a steady cash inflow, but also a
                                                            mindset of effective cataloguing. Very few
                                                            collectors are adept at it, rather most are
                                                            insouciant. Art is also susceptible to theft
                                                            and damage. I recall my Echolac fibreglass
                                                            handbag with 3 lovely miniatures getting
          I recall my own journey, since childhood          stolen from my car, nearly  thirty years
         to now, in an inveterate journey of                ago. While it had to do with my careless
         collecting everything under the sun,               driver, it was destined to happen perhaps.
         prodded and propelled by child-like                Of course, I was distraught, at not just the
         curiosity and enthusiasm which has                 loss of the beautiful two hundred years old
         continued unabated till now, even as I             paintings , but also the significant money
         write this. Playing cards, colourful bottle        that had gone into buying them. A police
         caps, match box covers, cricketers’ photos         complaint was hardly of any help, except
         and albums, stamps, numismatic coins               for the rounds of the police station. Another
         and notes, comic books, pens, paintings            incident was the damage caused by termites
         and sculptures, silver, old furniture,             to my significant collection of Development
         miniatures, antiquarian books, ceramics,           Oriented Commemorative coins, in their
         paan-dhaan, gunpowder containers,                  original cases, issued by RBI. I could do
         netsukes, jades, coral, jewellery, conches         little about it, except stoically accept the
         and shells, textiles – I have seen and             misfortune.
         collected them all in an exciting and               A question which will not go away is
         enthusing journey since my teens. I am             what happens to your collections, if your
         sure there are several thousand like               family members are not interested in
         me in every nook and corner of our                 them. Collections, over a period, tend to
         wonderful country of a rich heritage and           gain in economic value, given the rarity
         everywhere else in a connected world;              and irreplaceability factors, and could be
         art is beyond borders after all. Of course,        quite a tidy sum. Should the meticulous
         you also have the super rich who are into          and expensive collection be allowed to go
         vintage cars and heritage castles and              to waste, as has happened in several cases,
         other unimaginable collectibles. There             with the heirs not knowing what to do with
         are collectors known to collect fossils            them and selling them off for peanuts.
         and bones of extinct animals. There are
         collectors of film posters, old milestone
         newspapers, chess sets. To each his own
         interests and likings, I would say, for
         the pleasures of collecting are uniquely
         personal and enriching.
          While the excitement of collecting can
         be unabated, there would be a point in
         time when it could be overwhelming and
         extraordinarily difficult to maintain and

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