Page 12 - Seniorstoday March 2023
P. 12

collector who has been led by the  heart in
                                                            putting them together over decades.
                                                             As a novice student of Vedanta and
                                                            spirituality, the underpinning meaning of
                                                            these beautiful words are not lost on me
                                                            - “क्या तू लेके आया है क्या तू लेके जायेगा , तूने तो कमाया है वो
                                                            दूसरा ही खायेगा, खाली हाथ आया है खाली हाथ जायेगा”
                                                             A belated realisation of the moment of
          I was at a soiree a few days ago, hosted          this truth has seen several estate sales and
         by a good friend who also happens to               auction sales. It is a good thing to happen,
         be a well-regarded gallerist. Amid the             given that art becomes a conversation with
         eclectic mix of guests from the business           the newer and next-gen collectors who in
         and the corporate and the society world,           turn will encourage and give the artisans
         there were a few close collector friends as        a reason to live and sustain their skills.
         well. One of them, a collector of vintage          Many art and art forms are dying out due
         cars and clocks, was lamenting the fact            to the lack of support and absence of art
         that his children are not interested in his        conversations and platforms. One of the
         collections and he is wondering what               responsibilities of conscious citizens is
         to do with his humongous collection,               to nurture and support art, as was being
         assiduously built and cared for over the           regularly done in the past, but sadly
         years. I could not help cheekily telling him,      scantily now. Every collector has a role to
         ‘welcome to the real world’. Essentially,          play in that.
         his children are living abroad and well             Truism and poignancy apart, there
         placed in life and have no interest in his         need be no disenchantment with
         collection or the passion and time for it.         collecting. Collectors also, in their own
         They have suggested to him to sell off his         way, promote and preserve art and
         collection over a period of time and leave         heritage for the future generations to
         cash behind. At one level, a very practical        understand and appreciate the ancestral
         and blunt suggestion, and at another level,        cultures and histories and stories that
         unemotional and unempathetic. I could              make living enriching and meaningful.
         sense the disappointment and hurt in my            Imagine what the world would have
         friend.                                            been without fantastic museums like the
          He was facing his moment of truth and             Salar Jung Museum or Tate’s or Fricks or
         it resonated with me. Frankly, I too am            Guggenheim and so many others, private
         grappling with it myself.  While my                and public across states and countries. All
         family loves and appreciates my small,             of these started off as personal collections,
         but diverse collection, some of them on my         eventually  getting housed in permanent
         walls and some in showcases, none of them          museums. Love your collection, but stay
         are interested in looking after it or wanting      detached – for life is not worthy without
         to get involved with it. They too have             either. “One for sorrow, two for joy” it may
         suggested that I ‘get rid’ of my collection        be for magpies, but for the art magpies,
         and go liquid or do whatever else that             it could as well be “One for joy, two for
         I wish. Not exactly music to my ears, a            sorrow”, a moment of truth.

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