Page 25 - Seniorstoday March 2024 Issue
P. 25

Uncontrolled diabetes can damage your              engaging in hobbies that bring you joy.
         blood vessels and increase the risk of             Prioritising self-care, getting enough sleep,
         stroke.                                            and seeking support from loved ones or
          To reduce your stroke risk, it’s essential        healthcare professionals can also help you
         to manage your diabetes effectively. This          effectively manage stress.
         includes monitoring your blood sugar
         levels regularly, following a balanced diet        10. Regular check-ups and screenings
         that focuses on complex carbohydrates              for early detection and prevention of
         and low glycemic index foods, engaging in          strokes
         regular physical activity, and taking any          Regular check-ups with your healthcare
         prescribed medications as directed.                provider are essential for early detection
          Working closely with your healthcare              and prevention of strokes. During these
         provider and diabetes care team can help           visits, your blood pressure, cholesterol
         you keep your blood sugar levels within            levels, and other vital health markers can
         a healthy range and minimise your risk             be monitored.
         of stroke and other diabetes-related                Additionally, your healthcare provider
         complications.                                     may recommend specific screenings,
                                                            such as a carotid ultrasound or an
         9. The importance of stress management             electrocardiogram (ECG), to assess your
         in stroke prevention                               stroke risk. These screenings can help
                                                            identify any underlying conditions or
                                                            abnormalities that may increase your risk
                                                            of stroke.
                                                             By attending regular check-ups and
                                                            screenings, you can catch potential issues
                                                            early and take proactive steps to minimise
                                                            your stroke risk. Remember, prevention is
                                                            always better than cure.
                                                             In conclusion, strokes are serious medical
                                                            emergencies that can have devastating
         Chronic stress can have a detrimental              consequences. However, by adopting these
         impact on your overall health, including           ten practices into your lifestyle, you can
         an increased risk of stroke. Stress can            greatly minimise your risk of stroke and
         contribute to high blood pressure,                 live a healthier, happier life. Remember
         unhealthy coping behaviors (such as                to maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage
         smoking or excessive drinking), and poor           and control your blood pressure and
         sleep quality, all of which are risk factors       cholesterol levels, quit smoking, limit
         for stroke.                                        alcohol consumption, manage diabetes,
          To minimise your stroke risk, it’s crucial        prioritise stress management, and attend
         to manage and reduce stress in your life.          regular check-ups and screenings. Your
         This can be achieved through various               health is in your hands, so take the
         relaxation techniques, such as deep                necessary steps to protect yourself from
         breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or          the unfortunate occurrence of a stroke.

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