Page 13 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 13
very common complaint during summer, especially around the nose and cheeks.
with inflammation of the outer layer of the The skin becomes red and irritable, with
eye and the eyelid. Its often accompanied itching.
with itching and watering from eyes. Exposure to the sun can worsen the
The reasons are varied- it could be allergic, complaints, making it very uncomfortable
or a bacterial or viral infection. Exposure to for the person. It can further dry the skin,
the sun can cause or worsen the condition. causing it to itch and flake even more.
A UTI (urine infection) is fairly common Sunburn
in the summers, as viruses and bacteria
thrive in the warm weather. Dehydration
only compounds the problem. As does the
unclean water you are exposed to if you go
swimming in water parks etc.
Insect bites
Though summer gives everyone a good
reason to step out of their houses, it also
acts as a haven for insects to be out in
hordes. Its quite common to be stung by a Sunburn is a major concern in summers.
mosquito or a bee. It is usually a harmless A lot of people take advantage of the
bite, but can turn serious if you’re allergic, warm weather to travel, go sun bathing
or develop malaria. etc. Moving out and traveling at this time
Muscle spasms exposes the body to sunrays for a prolonged
The cooling mechanism of the body, on period, including UV rays, which penetrate
getting overheated, makes one perspire, the skin, causing tanning.
sometimes copiously. As a result, you not If you’re not careful though, the tanning
only lose fluids, but electrolytes too. If not can rapidly escalate to an actual sunburn,
replaced in time, they give rise to painful with the skin becoming dry and irritable.
heat cramps, or muscle cramps- basically, If not addressed in time, it can progress to
spasms of body muscles. Any muscle could blisters and skin peeling.
be affected. A few other symptoms of sunburn include
Water borne diseases fever, chills, cold.
Just as viruses and bacteria grow on food, Fungal infections
they also fester in water, and drinking this The heat and humidity lead the body to
contaminated water can put you at risk of perspire profusely. While the perspiration
certain water borne diseases like dysentery evaporates rapidly from exposed areas,
and cholera. it tends to remain on unexposed ones-
underarms, under bust, the thighs.
Skin conditions: Continued moistness in these parts
Rosacea encourages fungi to fester, causing rash,
An allergic skin condition, it is irritation, uncontrolled itching, occasional
characterized by red patches on the skin, flaking of skin.