Page 15 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 15
for your skin. Always choose one which preventing further damage. In certain
protects against both, UV A and UV B rays. instances, they also prevent or ease a heat
Choose one which goes with your skin type migraine.
– if you have dry skin, pick up one which
is thick, with the consistency of cream. For Vaccination
oily skin, you should choose a watery one, Certain vaccinations, such as measles,
preferably spray. hepatitis and chicken pox, are
The SPF is important too - if you have recommended to be taken as a child, so they
limited outdoor exposure, A SPF of 30 can provide immunity against diseases
suffices; For prolonged exposure, use SPF such as measles, chicken pox, rubella.
50. Others, like the influenza vaccine, have to
Application: Apply at least once in the be taken annually.
morning, after your bath. Take about 5 ml Get your vaccinations as prescribed by
for each part of the body that’s exposed to your doctor, they can help prevent or at
the sun-face, each hand, neck. Apply about least ease the symptoms of the disease
20 to 30 minutes before you head into you’re taking them for.
the sun. It requires re application every 4 Mind your food
hours. If you’re going to be in the water, As mentioned earlier, the heat promotes
apply every 45 minutes to an hour, as water bacterial and viral growth on foods,
washes away the sun screen. making them rancid. Raw meat, eggs, dairy
Dress comfortably products, if not refrigerated, turn bad very
Try to dress up in loose and light clothing, quickly. Avoid them if you’re on long trips,
in materials that let your skin breathe. without a way of keeping them cool. Avoid
Light colors reflect light, while dark cold and raw food, as it has higher chances
ones absorb it, making you feel warmer. of being infected.
Similarly, tight clothes prevent air Also avoid tap water, as chances of
circulation, and the skin cannot breathe, developing a waterborne infection are quite
increasing the body heat. high. Try to boil and filter the water you
Opt for materials such as cotton, which drink.
will help keep your body cooler. Good personal hygiene
Use ice packs A good personal hygiene goes a long way
At the slightest indication of a sunburn, in keeping one healthy. Wah your hands
apply ice packs. They cool down the skin, repeatedly after touching food, before and
after meals.
Keep yourself dry as much as possible,
especially in the folds of skin. Use talc
or anti septic powders liberally, as they
absorb the perspiration, helping keep the
skin dry; it can prevent or help cure fungal
Keep skin moisturised, especially if
you have breakouts due to an infection…
it reduces the itching and may prevent