Page 11 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 11
Summer Health
There are downsides to summer; staying safe and alert will help you have a
good one, writes Dr Nandini Saini
The summer season brings with it the immediate medical assistance.
holidays, with plans to travel, visit tourist
destinations. Picnics by the beach, trekking, Dehydration
gardening are all summer activities people Exposure to sun and heat generally causes
indulge in with gusto. one to perspire. More the heat, more the
Are you aware though, that summer brings perspiration; as a consequence, more loss of
with it a host of problems that could be very body fluids and electrolytes. It’s imperative
harmful to your health? Let’s have a look at to replace these fluids, but a number of
some of them: reasons- tight schedule, thirstlessness,
Hyperthermia plain laziness- prevents people from doing
The most common health hazard, so.
hyperthermia is basically a rise in the A dry mouth or skin, bad breath, reduced
body temperature. Mild hyperthermia urination, dark colored urine, extreme
causes heat exhaustion, a condition thirst are all signs of dehydration.
with unpleasant symptoms like nausea,
headache, dizziness. Food poisoning
If not treated, it can cause heat stroke, a Food poisoning or food illness is caused by
condition much more serious, with body consumption of contaminated food. Rising
temperatures in the range of 104° – 106° F, temperatures cause rapid bacterial growth
and symptoms like delirium, confusion, on food, contaminating it. Eating this food
slurred speech and a high pulse rate. can cause infections and an upset stomach,
While heat exhaustion can be treated with symptoms such as abdominal pain,
at home, a heat stroke would require nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.