Page 12 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 12
A vey contagious infection, its seen more
in the summer season. It usually affects the
respiratory tract, initially causing fever,
cold, cough. However, it progresses to the
moth, with formation of small white spots
in the oral cavity. Rashes appear on the
skin, concentrated on the face and hairline.
In some cases, measles cause complications
such as pneumonia or ear infections.
Diseases: Contracting measles during pregnancy can
Migraine be dangerous, with chances of miscarriage
Agonizing, usually one sided, migraines or premature delivery.
are typically triggered by the heat. Mumps
Dehydration can also cause or aggravate A common summer viral infection, it
them. usually affects children. It’s contagious and
Auto immune diseases usually spread by droplet infection, when a
Certain auto immune conditions, like child sneezes or coughs.
rheumatoid arthritis, are worsened by There is swelling of the parotid gland, just
exposure to heat. The person might start below the ears, with painful chewing and
experiencing more joint pain, fatigue and swallowing. Though complications are rare,
swelling of affected joints. they include meningitis and encephalitis-
Asthma swelling of brain tissue.
Asthma, a respiratory disorder, causes Influenza
the airways to constrict, with mucous A type of infection with symptoms like
production. This makes the person flu, it very commonly affects people in the
breathless. It could be mild, with just a summer months. Cold, cough, an irritable
little cough. A major attack is critical, and throat, fever are the usual symptoms.
on occasion, without treatment, proved to Jaundice
be fatal. An infection caused by a group of viruses,
The increased pollen during summers, jaundice is known to occur on intake of
the dust and the added humidity due to contaminated food or water. Symptom
heat can all increase a person’s chances of include mild fever, nausea, vomiting. It’s
having an asthma attack. characterized by icterus – yellowing of the
Chicken pox eyes and nails.
Also commonly affecting the young, Typhoid
chicken pox is a viral infection seen with A bacterial infection, it shows up with fever
the onset of summer. It starts with fever, and abdominal pain, loss of appetite and
and the appearance of small, fluid filled fatigue. In extreme cases, you can get mall
blisters on the body. ulcerations in the intestines, which take a
Elderly people, or those while to recover.
immunocompromised or with Conjunctivitis
comorbidities are also at risk. Soreness and reddening of the eyes are a