Page 16 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 16
transfer of infection to other areas. you lose. Since sunburns are common on
Wear protective gear exposure to sun, carry an ointment to treat
If going out in the hot sun is unavoidable, the burns. Ask your physician to help you
use glasses and caps to protect your eyes prepare a kit which will keep you safe and
and face from the extreme heat. healthy. Sore eyes are always a possibility,
Avoid the heat so carry drops to keep your eyes moist.
Try to time yourself; make your schedule
such that exposure to heat and sun can be Insect repellents
avoided. Plan outdoor activities and work Since insects are a hugh menace in
in early mornings or late evenings, when summers, make it a point to use insect
the weathers a bit cooler. repellents when possible.
If driving, try to park cars in shady areas, Be cautious while swimming
so the interiors don’t become hot and Do not venture too deep while swimming
uncomfortable. Always carry a mattress or in the sea, stay close to the beach, especially
blanket to place on a seat that’s too hot, to if you aren’t aware of any riptide or
prevent contact burns. Cover the passenger undercurrents. Try to identify areas under
windows with nets or drapes, to avoid surveillance by life guards.
exposure to the strong sunrays. Summers are always considered as time
Protect yourself to spend with family, to enjoy together,
Carry a medical kit with you if you’re pamper yourself, get that tan you wanted…
travelling, with specific medicines for food and just a little bit of caution can help you
poisoning, diarrhoea etc. Add antiallergics, do all of these. Be prepared, be careful, and
in case of insect bites or skin allergies. Also make the most of the gorgeous summer
carry electrolyte sachets, to replace any months!