Page 17 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 17


         Our Top 10 foods and

         drinks to keep you cool

         What you eat and drink in summer can have a significant bearing on how

         you cope with the heat, so choose well. By the Seniors Today team

         Drinking warm chai, slurping hot curry             (as in chilli) food and drinks, the sweat
         or getting that kick of spicy salsa will           response is triggered from thermoreceptors
         surely make you sweat during summer.               in and around the stomach that notice the
         While you might rather opt for a chilled           additional heat; an increase of your deep-
         lassi or aam panna come summer, eating             body temperature between 0.2-0.5°C is all
         hot or spicy foods can actually cool you           that is required.
         down on a warm day — if the conditions              “The main thing is that our bodies shut
         are right. Don’t freak out just yet! This is       sweating down when drinking a cold drink
         what research and many studies say — It’s          – so you are actually no better off with a
         all about keeping the balance. Our body            1.5°C drink than you are with a 37°C drink,”
         is well-equipped to balance the heat.  We          says the Australian study. However, if you
         create heat by metabolic processes (eating)        can’t stomach spicy and steaming drinks
         with mechanisms which keep us cool if we           or foods this summer, studies suggest you
         are in a hot environment, or it will retain        avoid ice-cold drinks on a hot day or when
         that heat if we feel relatively cold.              exercising intensely and instead, drinking
                                                            fluid at a palatable temperature will likely
         The logic of eating hot food during                cool you down.
          Spikes in temperature, whether internally         The verdict
         or in the external environment, make us            It does make sense that a lot of us get a
         sweat rapidly. When you consume hot                cold in summer because of over doing

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #35 | MAY 2022                                                                17
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