Page 25 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 25

11. Apples                                         13. Coffee

         Although an apple a day doesn’t really             Let’s assume you’re one of the millions
         keep the doctor away, it might help you            of people around the globe that just
         reduce how frequently you need to visit            can’t function without that first mug of
         your cardiologist. In every juicy bite is a        coffee in the morning. While the caffeine
         ton of antioxidants and minerals that do           content is what gets you up, it can also
         more than just keeping blood pressure              keep your heart pumping for longer. A
         within controllable levels. They can               stronger heart pumps enough blood and
         lower cholesterol levels, play a role in           oxygen throughout the whole body. Try
         preventing certain cancers, and they’re            and keep your coffee consumption within
         a diabetic-friendly snack. Insider tip:            reason—umm, plus the milk and sugar
         Pair your apple with almonds or almond             that you may add to it. It’s black coffee
         butter. A delicious combo which helps              that does the trick.
         the apple go down easier.
                                                            14. Avocado
         12. Broccoli

         Broccoli is another one of those                   Whether you love them or not, avocados
         vegetables that gets underserved hate.             are a super superfood for a very good
         Hating broccoli was the “cool” thing               reason. Avocados are full of healthy fat,
         to do as kids, but they don’t even taste           potassium, and antioxidants, all of which
         that bad! Broccoli can also help control           can help lower the risk of heart disease
         cholesterol levels, clear arterial plaque,         and stroke.  Whether you like it in dip
         and assist diabetes patients in keeping            form (low salt, please) or sliced on toast,
         blood sugar within tolerable levels.               you should eat more avocado!

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #29 | NOVEMBER 2021                                                           25
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