Page 13 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 13
Good for your heart
Gardening is easily one of the best and
most therapeutic activities anyone can do
outdoors. It stimulates the body and soul,
maintains flexibility and mobility, provides
numerous health benefits, and helps you
put fresh, organically grown veggies, fruits
and herbs on your table. But, believe it or
not, the benefits of gardening don’t even end
there. Some studies suggest that there are
cardiovascular benefits from doing manual Reduce stress and anxiety
labour of gardening. If you think about it, The smell of the mitti (earth) is exhilarating.
all the digging, planting and weeding will Once a lawn is mowed the fragrance of
almost inevitably contribute to a healthy the cut grass is a great mood enhancer.
weight and blood pressure levels! Hard Gardening is not only beneficial for your
manual work burns calories and strengthens body, but also your soul. Getting your
your heart. Studies from the British Journal hands dirty in the garden engages all of
of Sports Medicine found that those who your senses and gives constant exercise to
engaged in gardening (for less than one your imagination. Sketching your garden
hour weekly) reduced their risk of dying layout, determining the types and varieties
from heart disease by 12%. And those of plans to work with, making countless
who gardened for more than two hours decisions while taking care of your plants
weekly reduced their risk of death from and your garden space — having a garden
cardiovascular diseases by a whopping 37%! forces you to make hundreds of creative
Some studies show that physical activity choices, which is also a great benefit to your
and mental health benefits associated with brain health. If you’re feeling stressed or
gardening can help maintain cognitive anxious, getting your fingers dirty could
health and reduce the risk of dementia. help!
It was found that those who regularly You can choose gardening as a hobby, it
engaged in gardening had a 36% and 47% can also be an opportunity for spending
lower risk of dementia than non-gardeners, quality time with your family and friends
even when a number of other health factors Taking care of your garden gives you a
have been considered. chance to focus on something simple and
What’s more, for people who are already pleasant. Putting your mind and body to
experiencing mental impairment, even just a work, seeing things growing and thriving
walk in the garden can be therapeutic. That’s has tremendous therapeutic potential. And
why many residential homes for people if you are in it as a family, being around
with cognitive issues now have gardens on your loved ones is a great mood enhancer
their premises, so that their residents with and helps reduce symptoms of depression
Alzheimer’s disease or other challenges can and anxiety like nothing else!
engage in this combination of physical and
mental activity that can have a positive effect Gardening is a great exercise
on the mind. Gardening is a great exercise without